RG2 – Ocean, coastal and land surface processes

The Ocean, coastal and land surface processes group integrates geophysical, geological and geochemical expertise to investigate internal and external geodynamic processes affecting terrestrial, coastal and oceanic systems, with focus on natural hazards, climate change, and georesource exploration. Oceanic processes under study include the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of continental and insular margins, slope dynamics, continent-to-ocean transition, plate boundary dynamics focusing on convergent systems and subduction inititation, tsunami propagation, hydrothermal processes in mid-ocean ridges and their implications for mineral resources. Research on coastal processes comprises coastal morphodynamic evolution, future climate and sea-level scenarios, and identification and characterization of tsunami deposits. Land surface research includes paleontological and paleoenvironmental studies with emphasis on vertebrate paleontology, monitoring and modeling of hydrogeological systems, and geotechnical studies.


Group Coordination


PhD Students

External Collaborator