2020-2023: TSUNASTORM – Distinguishing tsunami and storm deposits affected by postdepositional processes – a multi-proxy approach. Funding by the Polish National Science Centre. Pedro Costa *
2020-2023: Roteiro Nacional para a Adaptação 2100 – Avaliação da vulnerabilidade do território Português às alterações climáticas no século XXI (RNA 2100) (APA), funding by an EEA GRANT. Cristina Catita, Carlos Antunes, Pedro Costa
2018-2021: SWIMAR, FDCT, Ágata Alveirinho Dias (PI)
2018-2021: TAGUSGAS, PT2020, Pedro Terrinha (participant PI)
2018-2021: BIORREFINARIAS, FCT, Carla Silva (participant PI)
2018-2021: SULTAN – European Training Network for the Remediation and Reprocessing of Sulfidic Mining Waste Sites, H2020 – ETN, Jorge Relvas (participant PI)
2018-2021: DUNE – Development, Building and Deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometers, FCT, Carlos Corela (PI)
2018-2021: LABELEC, FCT, Fernando Santos (PI)
2018-2021: MAG-GIC– Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Portugal Mainland, FCT, Fernando Santos (PI)
2018-2021: SOIL4EVER – Aumento da Produtividade do Regadio através do Uso Sustentado do Solo, FCT, Fernando Santos (PI)
2018-2021: SUGGEST-AFRICA, FCT/Fundação Aga Khan, Rui Fernandes (PI)
2018-2021: Celulas Solares, FCT, José Silva (PI)
2018-2021: Contactos Seletivos, FCT, João Serra (PI)
2018-2021: OMEGAFUEL, FCT, Carla Silva (PI)
2018-2021: SIGHT – SeIsmic and Geochemical Constraints on the Madeira HoTspot System, FCT, Graça Silveira (PI)
2018-2021: Carniege Mellon Univ FCT Margarida Liberato (participant PI)
2018-2021: MONSANTO, Isabel Fernandes (PI)
2018-2021: Tuneis Escavaveis, FCT, Killian Lobato (PI)
2018-2021: ONOFF – Coupling Onshore and Offshore Tsunami Record: Complementary Tools for a Broader Perspective on Tsunami Events, FCT, Pedro Costa (PI)
2018-2021: SANDTRACK – Beach Nourishment: an Integrated Methodology for Coastal Management Support, FCT, Rui Taborda (participant PI)
2018-2021: SEALERT – Wave Overtopping and Flooding in Coastal and Port Areas: Tools for an Early Warning, Emergency Planning and Risk Management System, FCT Rui Taborda (participant PI)
2018-2021: UNTIeD – UNlocking the MegaTsunamI Deadlock: Using the Near-source Impacts to Constrain Tsunami Generation by Volcanic Flank Collapses, FCT, Ricardo Ramalho (PI)
2018-2021: EMSO – European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory – Portugal, FCT, Miguel Miranda (PI)
2018-2021: IMPECAF – Impacts of Extreme Climatic Events on the Agricultural and Forestry Systems: Development of Risk Analysis Models, FCT, Ana Russo (PI)
2018-2021: WEX ATLANTIC – Meteorological Extremes in the Euro Atlantic Region: Evaluation and Impacts, FCT, Margarida Liberato (PI)
2018-2021: HOLMDRIVE – North Atlantic Atmospheric Patterns influence on Western Iberia Climate: From the Lateglacial to the Present, FCT, Alexandre Ramos (PI)
2018-2021: CONTROL – Use of Earth Observations to Model the Surface – Atmosphere Interaction, FCT, Emanuel Dutra (PI)
2018-2021: LEADING – Soil Use Changes and Global Warming Mitigation, FCT, Rita Cardoso (PI)
2018-2021: BeSafeSlide – Prototype of a Low-cost Alert System of Landslide to Improve Community Resilience and Adapt to Environmental Changes, FCT, Ricardo Trigo (participant PI)
2018-2021 OnOff – Coupling onshore and offshore tsunami record: complementary tools for a broader perspective on tsunami events FCT Pedro Costa (PI)
2018-2021: CLIMARES – Long-term Assessment of Regime Changes Induced in Coastal Areas, FCT, Maria da Conceição Freitas (PI)
2018-2021: Realização de Trabalho geológicos para Cumprimento da Declaração de Impacte Ambiental do Projecto “Cais Fluvial de Castanheira do Ribatejo”, Crivarque, M. Conceição Freitas (PI)
2018-2021: SIL – Sistema de Informação Litoral para o Município de Cascais, Prestação de Serviço, Rui Taborda (participant PI)
2018-2021: Discover Azores Ricardo Trigo (participant PI)
2018-2021: FAST – Development of New Meteo-Tsunami Forecasting Skills on the Iberian Platform, FCT, Pedro Viterbo (PI)
2018-2021: Wales, FCT, Luis Matias (PI)
2018-2021: MAGICLAND – Marine Geo-hazards Induced by Underwater Landslides in the SW Iberian Margin, FCT, Rachid Omira (PI)
2017-2021: Exploratory, FCT, Emanuel Dutra (PI)
2017-2021: SUBEARTH – The Role of Subduction Initiation in the Evolution of Earths Oceans, FCT, João Duarte (PI)
2019-2020: RV METEOR M155 – The Tsunamigenic Gravitational Flank Collapse of Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde Islands, DFG (Germany), Ricardo Ramalho (PI)
2018-2020: Global Rivers Routing, ECMWF, Emanuel Dutra (PI)
2018-2020: PMAACO – Plano Municipal de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas de Oeiras, Rui Taborda (participant PI)
2018-2020: STORM – Interacções Atmosfera – Oceanos – Terra Sólida: Ferramentas Sismológicas para Explorar e Monitorizar os Oceanos, FCT, Susana Custódio (PI)
2018-2020: DFG RA 1597/3-1 – Rhodoliths from the Cape Verde Archipelago: Insights into Climate Change and Megatsunami Sediment Dynamics, DFG (Germany), Ricardo Ramalho (PI)
2017-2020: IGCP 655 Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: Impact on Marine Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Included in the Thematic Area of “Global Change and the Evolution of Life: Evidence from the Geological Record, UNESCO and IUGS, Ana Cristina Cabral (PI)
2017-2020: C4G – Collaboratory for Geociences, FCT, Rui Fernandes (PI)
2017-2020: Tsunamis no Rio de Janeiro: Pensando o Impensável, PGPERJ-Brasil, Pedro Costa (participant PI)
2017-2020: Mar2020 AQUASado, EU, M. Conceição Freitas (participant PI)
2016-2020: PLATMAR – Development of Volcanic Island Shelves: Insights from Sta. Maria Island and Implications on Hazard Assessment, Habitat Mapping and Marine Aggregates Management, FCT, Rui Quartau (PI)
2018-2019: Tracking Oceanic Storms from Seismic Signals Recorded in Macaronesia, PHC-Pessoa, FCT, Graça Silveira (PI)
2016-2019: MEDSOL – Strengthening Capacities of South-Mediterranean Higher Education Institutions in the Field of Solar Energy by Enhancing Links among Applied Research, Business and Education / MEDSOL Erasmus+, João Serra (PI)
2016-2019: PV-CITY – Potencial Solar em Ambiente Urbano, FCT, Miguel Brito (PI)
2016-2019: MEGAWAVE – Unravelling the Hazard Potential of Tsunamis Triggered by Volcanic Flank Collapses, FCT, Ricardo Ramalho (PI)
2016-2019: TROANTE – Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias UAS para Utilização de âmbito Conjunto e Dual, EU, Paula Redweik (participant PI)
2016-2019: PIEZAGRO – Vulnerability risk assessment for the agroforestry sector in South Portugal under climate change: Impact of the evolution of the piezometric level, FCT/PTDC, Cathy Kurz-Besson (PI)
2016-2019: FORLAND – Disastrous Floods and Landslides in Portugal: Driving Forces and Applications for Land Use Planning, FCT/PTDC, Ricardo Trigo (participant PI)
2016-2019: IMDROFLOOD – Improving Drought and Flood Early Warning, Forecasting and Mitigation Using Real-Time Hydroclimatic Indicators, EU, Ricardo Trigo (PI)
2016-2019: SPIDER – Seismogenic Processes In slowly DEforming Regions, FCT/PTDC, Susana Custódio (PI)
2016 – 2019: BrFLAS – Sistema Brasileiro Fogo-Superfície-Atmosfera, FCT/FAPESP, Carlos da Camara (PI)
2016-2019: SALTFREE – Salinization in Irrigated Areas: Risk Evaluation and Prevention, FCT/ERA-NET ARIMNET2, Fernando Santos (PI)
2016-2019: FIRE – Fogo Island Volcano: multi-disciplinary Research on 2014 Eruption, FCT/PTDC, Rui Fernandes (PI)
2015-2019: Transener Réseau Européen de coopération sur la Transition (PI) Energétique en Electricité, SUDOE, José Silva (PI)
2015-2019: EVEREST – Evolution and Resilience of Barrier Island Systems, FCT, Rui Taborda (participant PI)
2015-2019: EPOS-IP – The European Plate Observing System, EU/H2020, Rui Fernandes (PI)
2017-2018: Quaternary Sea-Level Changes: Understand the Past and Present to Predict the Future, DLR – German Aerospace Center (Alemanha), Cristina Ponte Lira (PI)
2017-2018: Sustained Coastal Zone Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise – Application to the Guinea-Bissau Coastal Zones, DLR – German Aerospace Center (Alemanha), Cristina Ponte Lira (PI)
2016-2018: SOLAR – Earth System Modelling of the Eastern Atlantic Region, FCT/PTDC, Pedro Soares (PI)
2016-2018: MOZ3-5/PAMELA – PAssive Margin Exploration Laboratories, TOTAL, Nuno Dias (PI)
2016-2018: Análise de Atributos e Inversão Sísmica para a Interpretação e Caracterização de Reservatórios do Pré-Sal, Agência Nacional do Petróleo-Brasil, Ana Azerêdo (participant PI)
2016-2018: Desenvolvimento de Trabalhos Técnico-Científicos de Mapeamento de Vulnerabilidades Territoriais, de Conceção de Medidas de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas em Almada e Promoção da Resiliência Local, Prestação de Serviço, César Andrade (PI)
2016-2018: PES, FCT, Vitor Hugo Magalhães (PI)
2014-2018: TIDES – ES1401, Cost Action, Graça Silveira/Carlos Corela (PI)
2014-2018: BLUE MINING – Breakthrough Solutions for Sustainable Deep Sea Mining, EU/ FP7, Fernando Barriga (PI)
2015-2018: MagIC – Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks from Macao: Implications for the Crustal Evolution of Southern China, FDCT, Ágata Alveirinho Dias (PI)
2015-2018: MINATURA – Developing a Concept and Methodology for the Definition and Subsequent Protection of “Mineral Deposits of Public Importance” in Order to Ensure their “Best Use” in the Future in Order to be Included in a Harmonised European Regulatory/Guidance/Policy Framework, EU/H2020, António Mateus (PI)
2015-2017: NEWORES – Development of New Models for the Genesis of Rare Metal (W, Nb, Ta, Li) Ore Deposits from the European Variscan Belt and Valorization of Low Grade and Fine Grained Ore and Mine Tailings, FCT/ERA-MIN, António Mateus (PI)
2014-2017: MODELINK, FCT, Filipe Rosas (PI)
2014-2017: ERACLIM2 – European Reanalysis of the Global Climate System, EU/ FP7, Antónia Valente (PI)
2014-2017: SUSCITY – Modelação de Sistemas Urbanos para a Promoção de Transições Criativas e Sustentáveis, FCT, João Serra (PI)
2013-2017: ASTARTE – Assessment, STrategy And Risk Reduction for Tsunamis in Europe, EU/ FP7, Maria Ana Baptista (PI)
2012-2017: LSA SAF – Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis, EUMETSAT, Carlos da Camara (PI)
2014-2016: SALSA – Research Program to Study a Part of the Brasilian Margin, Luis Matias (participant PI)
2013-2015: CONDRIBER – Contornitos Associados com Depósitos Transportados em Massa ao Longo da Margem SW Ibérica – Implicações para a Estabilidade de Taludes e Avaliação da Perigosidade de Ocorrência de Tsunamis, FCT, Cristina Roque (PI)
2012-2015: Origin of the Cretaceous-Tertiary and Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction: Bolide impact, volcanism or both?, FCT, Eric Font (PI)
2012-2015: iPLUS – Interacção entre Plumas do Manto e Zonas de Subducção, FCT, Caterine Meriaux (PI)
2012-2015: GEONUM, FCT, Margarida Liberato (participant PI)
2012-2015: REGENA – Recuperação Holocénica e Pleistocénica da Variação Secular Geomagnética do Atlântico Norte (Açores, Cabo-Verde e Portugal): Implicações Geomagnéticas e Vulcanológicas, FCT, Pedro Silva (PI)