Cristina Ponte Lira
Research Group: RG2 – Ocean, coastal and land surface processes
Position at IDL: Researcher
Job: Junior Researcher/Post-Doctoral Researcher
Extension: 26276
Room: 6.2.76
Academic Degree and field of specialization:
PHD in Earth Resources, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa
Thesis title: Development of new image analysis methodologies applied to the morphometric characterization
of sediments.
Post-Graduation Course: Actualization on GIS applied to Earth Sciences – SIGAIA.
MSc in Earth Resources, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa
Thesis Title: Image Processing and Analysis of Sands
BSc (4 yeaRs + internship) in Applied and Envionmental Geology, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL)
Areas of specialization
Coastal Geology • Remote Sensing and GIS • Image Processing and Analysis • Sedimentology
Scientific Informations
Researcher ID:
Research Gate:
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Scientific Interests
Main Interests:
My main field of research is coastal morphodynamics with a strong background in surveing, monitoring and modelling the coastal system. I use Remote Sensing, GIS and Image Analysis to stydy this extremelly dynamic environment with the highest spatial and time resolutions.
I have developed my activiteis mainly in I&D, but they have also been strongly linked with applied science and knowlodge transfer to coastal managers and stakeholders.
Top 10 Publications:
(10) Ponte Lira, C., Taborda, R., Silva, A.N., Andrade, C. (2021) Challenges and new strategies in assessing multidecadal shore platform sandy beach evolution from aerial imagery. Marine Geology, 2021, 436, 106472. DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106472
(9) Figueiredo, P.M., Rockwell, T.K., Cabral, J., Ponte Lira, C. (2019) Morphotectonics in a low tectonic rate area: analysis of the southern Portuguese Atlantic coastal region. Geomorphology,326:132- 151. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.02.019.
(8) Costa, P.J.M., Gelfenbaum, G., Dawson, S., La Selle, S., Milne, F., Cascalho, J., Ponte Lira, C., Andrade, C., Freitas, M.C., Jaffe, B. (2018) The application of microtextural and heavy mineral analysis to discriminate storm and tsunami deposits. Geological Society Special Publication 456(1), pp. 167-190, DOI: 10.1144/SP456.7.
(7) Moreira, S., Costa, P.J.M., Andrade, C., Ponte Lira, C., Freitas, M.C., Oliveira, M.A. and Reichart, G-J. (2017) High resolution geochemical and grain-size analysis of the AD 1755 tsunami deposit: insights on the inland extent and inundation phases. Marine Geology 390:94-105, DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2017.04.007.
(6) Ponte Lira, C., Silva, A. N., Taborda, R., and de Andrade, C. F. (2016) Coastline evolution of Portuguese low-lying sandy coast in the last 50 years: an integrated approach, Earth System Science Data, 8(1):265-278. doi:10.5194/essd-8-265-2016. Link
(5) Lira, C., Taborda, R. (2014) Advances in Applied Remote Sensing to Coastal Environments Using Free Satellite Imagery. Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources: Remote Sensing and Modeling. Coastal Research Library, Finkl, Charles W., Makowski, Christopher (Eds.), Vol. 9, Capter4: 77-102.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06326-3_4.
(4) Lira C., Lousada M., Falcão A.P., et al. (2013) – The 20 February 2010 Madeira Island flash-floods: VHR satellite imagery processing in support of landslide inventory and sediment budget assessment. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13(3): 709-719. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-13-709-2013. Link
(3)Pina P., Lira C., Lousada M. (2011) – In-situ computation of granulometries of sedimentary grains – Some preliminary results. Journal of Coastal Research, SI64(2):1727-1730. Link
(2) Lira, C. & Pina, P. (2009) – Automated grain shape measurements applied to beach sands. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 1527-1531. Link
(1) Pina, P & Lira, C. (2009) – Sediment image analysis as a method to obtain rapid and robust size measurements. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 1562-1566. Link
Projects (10 most relevant):
I&D Projects
Principal Investigator – CoastSnap Cascais (2018 – now)
Researcher – NavSafety – Tecnologias emergentes de deteção remota no suporte em tempo real à segurança da navegação em zonas portuárias (Fundo Azul- FA_04_2017_013). (2019-2021)
Researcher – SANDTRACK – Beach nourishment: an integrated methodology for coastal management support (PTDC/CTA-GEO/31779/2017). (2018-2021)
Researcher – UNTIeD – UNlocking the megaTsunamI Deadlock: using the near-source impacts to constrain tsunami generation by volcanic flank collapses (PTDC/CTA-GEO/28588/2017). (2018- 2021)
Principal Investigator- Quaternary sea-level changes: understand the past and present to predict the future – TanDEM-X / DLR – DEM_GEOL0575. (2017-2018)
Principal Investigator – Sustained coastal zone adaptation to sea-level rise – Application to the Guinea-Bissau coastal zones – TanDEM-X / DLR – DEM_OTHER0576 (2017-2018)
Researcher “SOPHIA – Conhecimento para a Gestão do Ambiente Marinho – EEA Grants. (2015-2017)
Work Package Leader – Equilibrium State of Crenulated Coasts-MOSES (PTDC/GEO-GEO/3981/2012). (2012-2015)
Consultancy Projects
Concultancy to Nova.ID.FCT e Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA) – SIARL – Sistema de Administração do Recurso Litoral Recolha, tratamento e carregamento de dados no SIARL para ampliar o conhecimento costeiro e apoiar as estratégias de adaptação costeira para os riscos instalados e em cenários de alterações climáticas. Contrato nº 000011-DFIN-DCP. (Dez2019-Dez 2022).
Concultancy to Câmara Municipal de Cascais (CMC) – Project SIL – Sistema de Informação Litoral para o Município de Cascais (December 2017-December 2018).
Consultancy to consortium CEDRU, Lda./Biodesign, Lda. – Setback lines on sandy coasts. (2015)
Consultancy to consortium Biodesign, Bio3, NovaIMS – Setback lines on sandy coasts. (2015)
Consultancy to Agência Portuguesa do Ambienet (APA) – Project CISML “Consultoria para a Criação e Implementação de um Sistema de Monitorização do Litoral abrangido pela área de Jurisdição da ARH do Tejo”. (2012-2013)
Books & Chapters (up to 10):
Amorim, A., Lira, C., Taborda, R. (2017). Exercises of course Geographic Information Systems: Analysis of Satellite Imagery with QGIS. DGRM, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-20-7565-5. Ebookat (In Portuguese).
Amorim, A., Lira, C., Taborda, R., Silva, A.N., , Dias, E. (2017). Exercises of the course Geographic Information Systems – Spatial Analysis with QGIS. DGRM, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-20- 7585-3. E-book at (In Portuguese).
Lira, C., Amorim, A., Silva, A. N., Taborda, R. (2016). Geographic Information Systems: Analysis of Satellite Imagery. DGRM, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-99601-5-2. E-book at www.sophiamar. pt (In Portuguese).
Silva, A. N., Lira, C., Taborda, R., Dias, E., Catalão, J., Amorim, A. (2016). Geographic Information Systems – Spatial Analysis. DGRM, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-99601-2-1. E-book em (In Portuguese).
Lira, C., Silva, A.N., Taborda, R. (2016). Exercises of the course Geographic Information Systems – Analysis of satellite data. DGRM, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-99601-6-9. E-book at (In Portuguese).
Silva, A.N., Lira, C., Dias, E., Taborda, R. (2016). Exercises of the course Geographic Information Systems – Spatial Analysis. DGRM, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-99601-7-6. E-book at (In Portuguese).
C. Lira & R. Taborda (2014 ) – Advances in Applied Remote Sensing to Coastal Environments Using Free Satellite Imagery. Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources: Remote Sensing and Modeling. Coastal Research Library, Finkl, Charles W., Makowski, Christopher (Eds.), Vol. 9, Capter4: 77-102.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06326-3_4. Link
Lira, C., Pina, P. (2007) – Sedimentological analysis of sands. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4478 LNCS (PART 2) PP. 388 – 396. DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-72849-8_49. Link
Conferences (last 15 presentations):
Fandé, M.B., Ponte Lira, C., Antunes, C., Penha-Lopes, G. (2020) Quantification and mapping of coastal flooding extension for bissau, guinea-bissau: A climate change scenario perspective, Comunicacoes Geologicas, 2020, 107(Special Issue 1), pp. 109–113. Link
Ponte Lira, C., Silva,A.N., Sánchez-García, E., Harley, M. (2019) CoastSnap Cascais a community beach monitoring program for Cascais beaches, 77-78, MEC 2019 – 5ª Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira, 24-26 Junho de 2019, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.
Ponte Lira, C., Silva,A.N., Mendes, D., Henriques, M.J. (2019) Coastal bathymetry derived from UAV: A case-study at Lagoa de Albufeira, 93-94, MEC 2019 – 5ª Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira, 24-26 Junho de 2019, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.
Silva,A.N., Ponte Lira, C. Mendes, D., Henriques, M.J. (2019) Determinação de formas de fundo com recurso a UAV na Lagoa de Albufeira, 95-96, MEC 2019 – 5ª Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira, 24-26 Junho de 2019, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.
Ponte Lira, C., Silva, A.N., Taborda, R., Andrade,C., Carapuço, M., Faria, M.J. (2018) Assessing the evolution of platform beaches: challenges and advancements. 5ªs Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 19-21, June, Lisboa, Portugal, 293-296.
Andriolo, U.; Azevedo, A.; Nobre Silva, A.M., Taborda R.; Lira, C. (2016) Video imagery technique for wave celerity estimation: results on rocky-shore platform. 4ªs Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-23, June, Lisboa, Portugal, 435-438.
Silva, D.R.; Figueirinhas, L.; Costa, P.J.M.; Lira, C.; Bellanova, P.; Lario-Gomez; J. (2016) Testing a new microtextural classification on tsunami deposits. 32nd IAS International Meeting of Sedimentology.
Moreira, S., Costa, P., Lira, C., Oliveira, A.M., Andrade, C., · Freitas, M.C., · Reichert, G. (2015) High resolution geochemical grain-size studies of the AD1755 tsunami deposit. Arthur Holmes Meeting – Tsunami Hazards and Risks: Using the Geological Record, The Geological Society, Burlington
House, Piccadilly, London, UK, P9:44-45.
Lira, C., Ribeiro, M., Bosnic, I., Oliveira, S., Horta, J., Nascimento, A., Gomes, A., Moura, D. (2015) MOSES Project: first results of an in situ prompt method to detect fluorescent tracer. Proceedings of Margem Ibero-Atlantica Simposium – MIA2015, Málaga, 21 to 23 September.
Lira, C. (2015) High-resolution textural analysis of extreme wave event deposits. INQUA 2015 – Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. #T00546 – T01: Past hazards along coasts, 26 July – 2 August, 2015, Nagoya, Japan.
Amorim, A., Lira, C. (2015) Deteção remota e geoprocessamento automático no estudo da evolução de margens estuarinas (Restinga do Alfeite). Livro de Resumos: 67-68. 3ª Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira – MEC2015, 14-15 May, Algarve, 2015.
Bastos, A.P., Lira, C., Taborda, R., Ribeiro, M., Andrade, C. (2015) Morphological storm threshold: an example from a pocket beach in the west Portuguese coast. Livro de Resumos: 73-74.3ª Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira – MEC2015, 14-15 May, Algarve, 2015.
Moreira, S., Costa, P. J. M., Andrade, C., Freitas, M. C., Oliveira, M. A, Silva, T., Lira, C. (2014) Geochemical signature in a tsunami deposit detected in Lagoa dos Salgados (Portugal). 19th ISC 2014, 18-22 August, Geneva, Switzerland. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5096.9927.
Amorim, A., Lira C., Freitas, M.C., Oliveira, M.A., Andrade, C. (2014) Aplicação de técnicas de deteção remota na evolução da Restinga do Alfeite (Estuário do Tejo). EUE 2014 – 12º Encontro
Utilizadores Esri Portugal, 21 e 22 de May de 2014, Lisboa, Portugal.
Ribeiro, M., Taborda R., Lira C., Bizarro A., Oliveira A. (2014) Headland sediment bypassing and beach rotation in a rocky coast: an example at the western Portuguese coast. EGU General Assembly 2014, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-14602.