João Pedro Cascalho



Research Group: RG2 – Ocean, coastal and land surface processes
Position at IDL: Researcher
Job: Assistant Researcher 
Telephone Number: (351) 21-750-0000 
Extension: 26257 
Room: 6.2.57 

Scientific Informations



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Scientific Interests

Top 10 Publications: 

Palma, C., Oliveira, A., Valença, M., Cascalho, J., Pereira E., Lilebo, A. I., Duarte, A. C., Abreu, M. P., (2013) – Major and minor element geochemistry of deep-sea sediments in the Azores Platform and southern seamount region. Marine Pollution Bulletin 75 (1-2), 264-275. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.07.002.

Reis, J., Póvoas, L., Barriga, F.J.A.S., Lopes, C., Santos, V.F., Ribeiro, B, Cascalho, J., Pinto, A. (2014) – Science education in a museum: enhancing earth sciences literacy as a way to enhance peoples’ awareness of geological heritage. Geoheritage, 6 (3), 217-223. DOI: 10.1007/s12371-014-0105-0.

Costa, P. J. M., Andrade, C., Freitas, M. C., Oliveira, M. A., Cascalho, J. (2014) – Application of microtextural and heavy mineral analysis in the study of onshore tsunami deposits – examples from Portugal, Scotland and Indonesia. Comunicações Geológicas 101, Especial III, 1439-1443; ISSN: 0873-948X; e-ISSN: 1647-581X.

Costa, P., Andrade, C., Cascalho, J., Dawson, A. G., Freitas, M. C., Paris, R., Dawson, S. (2015) -Onshore tsunami sediment transport mechanisms inferred from heavy mineral assemblages, The Holocene, 25 (5), 795-809.

Cascalho, J., Costa, P., Dawson, S., Milne, F. and Rocha, A. (2016) – Heavy mineral assemblages of the Storegga tsunami deposit. Sedimentary geology, 334, 21-33.

Dinis, P.A., Huvi, J., Cascalho, J., Garzanti, E., Vermeesch, P., Callapez, P. (2016). Sand-spits systems from Benguela region (SW Angola). An analysis of sediment sources and dispersal from textural and compositional data. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 117, p.171-182.

Bosnic, I., Cascalho, J., Taborda, R., Drago, T., Hermínio, J., Rosa, M., Dias, J., Garel, E., (2017). Nearshore sediment transport: Coupling sand tracer dynamics with oceanographic forcing. Marine Geology, 385, p.293-303.

Costa, P.J., Gelfenbaum, G., Dawson, S., La Selle, S., Milne, F., Cascalho, J., Lira, C.P., Andrade, C., Freitas, M.C., Jaffe, B. (2017). The application of microtextural and heavy mineral analysis to discriminate between storm and tsunami deposits. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 456(1), p.167-190.

Cascalho, J., 2019. Provenance of Heavy Minerals: A Case Study from the WNW Portuguese Continental Margin. Minerals, 9(6), p.355 (33p.).

Cascalho, J., Costa, P., Gelfenbaum, G., La Selle, SP, Jaffe, B. (in press) – Selective sediment transport during Hurricane Sandy on Fire Island (NY, USA): inferences from heavy mineral assemblages. Submitted and accepted to the Journal of sedimentary Research.

Projects (10 most relevant): 

Processos de transferência sedimentar praia – canhão (Beach to Canyon – PTDC/MAR/114674/2009).
Morfodinâmica da plataforma interna: uma abordagem integradora (Shore) – PTDC/MAR-EST/3485/2012).
Alimentação artificial das praias: uma metodologia integrada de suporte à gestão litoral” (Sandtrack) – PTDC/CTA-GEO/31779/2017.
Conjugação do registo sedimentar onshore e offshore de tsunamis. (On-Off) –
Avaliação e monitorização das comunidades bentónicas em manchas de empréstimo. Caracterização do impacte da extração de areias e avaliação da taxa de recuperação do ecossistema. (ECOEXA) – MAR2020.

Books & Chapters (up to 10): 

Cascalho, J. and Fradique, C. (2007) – The sources and hydraulic sorting of heavy minerals on the northern Portuguese continental margin. Developments in Sedimentology, 58, 75-110.

Cascalho, J., Reis, J. (2014) – Os minerais pesados e a proveniência sedimentar: estudo de casos do sudoeste da Península Ibérica. In P Dinis, A. Araújo, S. Monteiro-Rodrigues (Coord.) – Proveniência de materiais geológicos, APEQ: 57-86.