General Information


About the Library

The Library JosΓ© Pinto Peixoto is a specialized library, created with the objective of supporting research and post-graduation studies in Geophysical Sciences, Meteorology, Geographic Engineering and Energy and Environmental Engineering, amongst other Geosciences. The Library is a reference library in the history of meteorological and geophysical sciences in Portugal. It contains a bibliographic and archival collection that goes back to 1853, the date of creation of the Metorological Observatorium of Infante Dom Luiz. In addition, the Library contains a collection of physical and thematic maps and a grey literature collection composed by MSc and PhD thesis. The Library offers a support area to the classes teached by DEGGE Professors, composed mainly by the bibliographic references of the courses taught.

Opening hours

Regular opening hours
Reading Room: Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 05:00 pm
Services: Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 05:00 pm

Special hours & closures 2025

Closed (Summer holidays)

Library Spaces

Reading Room (Room 1.1.36)
Here you have free access to the Main Collection of the Library, as well as to the Teaching and Learning Collection and the MSc and PhD thesis Collection. The Library’s catalog and the open shelves allow you to choose from books and documents to be home-loaned and/or on-site consulted. The showcase located at the entrance of the room is available for consultation of the latest journals. The Reading Room has wireless.

Conference Room (Room 1.1.36)
Room with 60 seats equipped with HD video projector and a sound system with 6 wireless microphones.

Depository (Room 1.1.34)
The IDL Library Reading Room does not have enough space to hold all the books and journals we own. The storage facility is used to keep low-use library materials in a controlled environment and make space for current resources. It also stores IDL historical, cartographic and audiovisual collections.

Librarian & User Support (Room 1.1.01)
Here you can obtain information on the services of the Library.

Historical archive (Room 8.3.23)
This archive contains the documentation produced by IDL since its foundation. It reflets the way IDL research has evolved and is important in terms of Portuguese scientific history. The following series of documents are particularly significant: Correspondence (1864-1968) and Expense (1901-1920) which are relevant to understand the Institute history.

The seismic archive of Instituto Dom Luiz is now stored at IPMA. This archive is composed by the seismic records of the analog station of IDL (GGVN – Lisbon) which dates back to the 1920s. The fire of 1978 in Escola PolitΓ©cnica destroyed the majority of the seismograms and the ones that didn’t burn are in poor conditions.


Cristina Domingues
Telephone: +(351) 217 500 813
Extension: 521101

General Support and Information


Biblioteca JosΓ© Pinto Peixoto
IDL – Instituto Dom Luiz
Faculdade de CiΓͺncias da Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande, EdifΓ­cio C1, Piso 1
1749-016 Lisboa