Manuel Teixeira



Research Group: RG4 – Continental margins and the deep ocean frontier
Job: Grant Researcher 

Scientific Informations



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Scientific Interests

Top 10 Publications: 

Teixeira, M., Roque, C., Omira, R., Marques, F., Gamboa, D., Terrinha, P., Ercilla, G., Yenes, M., Mena, A., Casas, D. (2024) – Submarine landslide hazard in the Sines Contourite Drift, SW Iberia: slope instability analysis under static and transient conditions. Natural Hazards, vol. 120, 3505–3531.

TEIXEIRA, M., Viana da Fonseca, A., Cordeiro, D., Terrinha, P., Roque, C. (2022). Geotechnical properties of Sines Contourite Drift sediments: their contribution to submarine landslide susceptibilityBulltin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, vol. 81. Doi: 10.1007/s10064-022-02873-y.

Ercilla, G., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Estrada, F., Valencia, J., Juan, C., Casas, D., Alonso, B., Carmen Comas, M., Tendero-Salmerón, V., Casalbore, D., Azpiroz-Zabala, M., Bárcenas, P., Ceramicola, S., Chiocci, F.L., Idárraga-García, J., López-González, N., Mata, P., Palomino, D., Rodriguez-García, J.A., Teixeira, M.,  Nespereira, J., Vázquez, J.-T., Yenes, M. (2022). Understanding the complex geomorphology of a deep sea area affected by continental tectonic indentation: The case of the Gulf of Vera (Western Mediterranean)Geomorphology, vol. 402, 108126.

Ercilla, G., Casas, D., Alonso, B., Casalbore, D., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., García-Gil, S., Martorelli, E., Vázquez, J.-T., Azpiroz-Zabala, M., DoCouto, D., Estrada, F., Fernández-Puga, M. C., González-Castillo, L., González-Vida, J. M., Idárraga-García, J., Juan, C., Macías, J., Madarieta-Txurruka, A., Nespereira, J., Palomino, D., Sánchez-Guillamón, O., Tendero-Salmerón, V., TEIXEIRA, M., Valencia, J., Yenes, M. (2021). Offshore Geological Hazards: Charting the Course of Progress and Future DirectionsOceans, vol. 2 (2), pp. 393 – 428. doi:

Yenes, M., Casas, D., Nespereira, J., López-González, N., Casalbore, D., Monterrubio, S., Alonso, B., Ercilla, G., Juan, C., Bárcenas, P., Palomino, D., Mata, P., Martínez-Díaz, P., Pérez, N., Vázquez, J. T., Estrada, F., Azpiroz-Zabala, M., TEIXEIRA, M. (2021). The Guadiaro-Baños contourite drifts (SW Mediterranean). A geotechnical approach for its stability analysisMarine Geology, vol. 437, 106505. doi:

TEIXEIRA, M., Terrinha, P., Roque, C., Voelker, A.H.L., Silva, P., Salgueiro, E., Abrantes, F., Naughton, F., Mena, A., Ercilla, G., Casas, D. (2020) – The Late Peistocene-Holocene sedimentary evolution of the Sines Contourite Drift (SW Portuguese Margin): A multiproxy approachSedimentary Geologyvol. 407, 105737. doi:

TEIXEIRA, M., Terrinha, P., Roque, C., Rosa, M., Ercilla, G., Casas, D. (2019) – Interaction of alongslope and downslope processes in the Alentejo Margin (SW Iberia) – Implications on slope stabilityMarine Geologyvol. 410, pp. 88-108. doi:

TEIXEIRA, M., Bateira, C., Marques, F., Vieira, B. (2015) – Physically based shallow translational landslide susceptibility analysis in Tibo catchment, NW of PortugalLandslides, vol.12-3, pp. 455-468. DOI: 10.1007/s10346-014-0494-9.

TEIXEIRA, M.; Roque, C.; Terrinha, P.; Mena, A.; Abrantes, F.; Ercilla, G.; Casas, D.; Silva, P.; Mathey, R.; Salgueiro, E. (2019) – Sediments’ properties as evidence for the morphosedimentary evolution of Sines Contourite Drift (SW Iberia). Proceedings of the 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology – IAS2019. Roma, Italy, 10th to 13th September 2019.

TEIXEIRA, M.; Roque, C.; Terrinha, P.; Rodrigues, S.; Ercilla, G.; Casas,D.; Mower Cruise Party (2017) – Evidence of slope failure in the sines contourite drift area (sw iberia margin) – preliminary results. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-17335, EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna, Austria.

Projects (10 most relevant): 

UNTIeD – UNlocking the megaTsunamI Deadlock: using the near-source impacts to constrain tsunami generation by volcanic flank collapses. PTDC/CTA-GEO/28588/2017. LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028588.

MAGICLAND – MArine Geo-hazards InduCed by underwater LANDslides in the SW Iberian Margin. FCT Project – PTDC/CTA-GEO/30381/2017.

FAUCES – Factores de riesgo geológico asociado a cabeceras de cañones submarinos en los márgenes continentales mediterráneos del sur de Iberia –

Books & Chapters (up to 10): 

Ercilla, G., Casas, D., Alonso, B., Casalbore, D., Estrada, F., Idárraga-García, J., López-González, N., Pedrosa, M., Teixeira, M., Sánchez-Guillamón, O., Azpiroz-Zabala, M., Bárcenas, P., Chiocci, F., García, M., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Geyer, A., Gómez-Ballesteros, M., Juan, C., Martorelli, E., Pilar Mata, M., Nespereira, J., Palomino, D., Rueda, J., Vázquez, J.-T., Yenes, M. (2021). Deep Sea Sedimentation. Treatise on Geomorphology. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780124095489., 29 pp.