Marta Neres
Research Group: RG2 – Ocean, coastal and land surface processes
Position at IDL: Researcher
Job: Researcher, IPMA
Telephone Number: (351) 218447060
Room: IPMA
Academic Degree and field of specialization:
PhD in Geophysics, 2013
Degree in Physics, 2007
Keywords: Marine Geophysics, Rock magnetism, Plate tectonics, Magmatism, Iberia, Paleomagnetism
Scientific Informations
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Main Interests:
My research has focused on the use of geophysical data for improving geological knowledge. I believe that the most significant scientific results come from an integrated view of different methods and data sets. Particular aims of my research have been the study of the magmatism that affected West Iberia during the Mesozoic, their relationship with the localization of deformation, and the kinematic evolution of the Iberian plate.
Since 2014, I work at the Marine Geology Division of the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA). I use marine geophysical data (and also onshore data sets) to illuminate the lithospheric structure and to discuss the tectonic processes that affected and affect the Iberia margin.
Top 10 Publications:
Neres, M., & Ranero, C.R. (2023). An appraisal using magnetic data of the continent-to-ocean transition structure west of Iberia. Geophysical Journal International, 234(3), 1819-1834.
Neres, M., P. Terrinha, J. Noiva, P. Brito, M. Rosa, L. Batista, C. Ribeiro (2023). New Late Cretaceous and CAMP magmatic sources off West Iberia, from high-resolution magnetic surveys on the continental shelf. Tectonics, 42(7).
Grevemeyer, I., C.R. Ranero, V. Sallarès, R. Bartolomé, L. Batista, M. Neres (2022). The continent to ocean transition in the Iberia Abyssal Plain. Geology, 50(5), 615-619.
Civiero, C., S. Custódio, M. Neres, D. Schlaphorst, J. Mata, G. Silveira (2021). The role of the seismically slow Central-East Atlantic Anomaly in the genesis of the Canary and Madeira volcanic provinces. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092874.
Neres, M., P. Terrinha, S. Custódio, S.M. Silva, J. Luis, J.M. Miranda (2018a). Geophysical evidence for a magmatic intrusion in the ocean-continent transition of the SW Iberia margin. Tectonophysics, 744: 118-133.
Neres, M., M.C. Neves, S. Custódio, M. Palano, R. Fernandes, L. Matias, P. Terrinha, M. Carafa (2018b). The role of gravitational potential energy in driving active deformation in Iberia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(11), 10-277. doi: 10.1029/2017JB015002
Barnett-Moore, N., E. Font, M. Neres (2017). A reply to the comment on “Assessing discrepancies between previous plate kinematic models of Mesozoic Iberia and their constraints” by Barnett-Moore et al. Tectonics, 36(12), 3286-3297.
Neres, M., M.M.C. Carafa, R. Fernandes, L. Matias, J.C. Duarte, S. Barba, P. Terrinha (2016). Lithospheric deformation in the Africa-Iberia Plate Boundary: improved neotectonic modeling testing a basal-driven Alboran plate. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 121(9), 6566-6596. doi: 10.1002/2016jb013012
Neres, M., J.L. Bouchez, P. Terrinha, E. Font, M. Moreira, R. Miranda, P. Launeau, C. Carvallo (2014). Magnetic fabric in a Cretaceous sill (Foz da Fonte, Portugal): magmatic flow model and implications for regional magmatism. Geophysical Journal International, 199(1): 78-101, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu250
Neres, M., J. M. Miranda, E. Font (2013). Testing Iberian Kinematics at Jurassic-Cretaceous. Tectonics, 32, 1312– 1319. doi: 10.1002/tect.20074
Neres, M., E. Font, J.M. Miranda, P. Camps, P. Terrinha, and J. Mirão (2012). Reconciling Cretaceous paleomagnetic and marine magnetic data for Iberia: New Iberian paleomagnetic poles. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 117, B06102, doi: 10.1029/ 2011JB009067
Projects (10 most relevant):
LISA, 2021-2024 - Lithospheric structure of the Southwest Iberia Margin. Funded by FCT (PTDC/CTA-GEF/1666/2020), total funding: 250 k€, PI
CONNECT, 2022-2024 - Revelando la complejidad de los márgenes continentales aplicando metodologías geofísicas innovadoras. Funded by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry (PID2021-128851OA-I00), total funding: 63k€, team member
RESTLESS, 2021-2024 - IntegRatEd tools to decipher the genesis and Spatio-TemporaL Evolution of Seismic Sequences. Funded by FCT (PTDC/CTA-GEF/6674/2020), total funding: 250 k€, task leader
TAGUSGAS, 2018-2021 - Tsunami hazard assessment of the Lisbon city associated to the Tagus delta landslide. Funded by FCT (PTDC/CTA-GEO/031885/2017), total funding: 240 k€, team member, grant recipient
PRORIFT, 2018-2021 - Rifting and lithospheric structure at the Continent-Ocean Transition in the South China Sea and the West Iberia Margin. Funded by FCT (NSFC/0003/2016, China-Portugal bilateral agreement), total funding: 100 k€, task leader
SHAZAM, 2019-2021 - Seismicity and HAzards of the sub-saharian Atlantic Margin. Funded by FCT (PTDC/CTA-GEO/31475/2017), total funding: 239 k€, task leader
ATLAS, 2018-2021 - Advanced Tri-axis Lightweight Aeromagnetic System.Funded by FCT (PTDC/CTA-GEF/31272/2017), total funding: 239 k€, team member
SPIDER, 2016-2019 - Seismogenic Processes In slowly DEforming Regions. Funded by FCT (PTDC/GEO-FIQ/2590/2014), team member
MINEPLAT, 2016-2019 - Evaluation of the potential of mineral resources on the Alentejo (southwest Portugal) continental shelf and the natural constraints imposed by the Plio-Quaternary margin uplift. Funded by FCT (ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000013), ALENTEJO 2020 (Programa Operacional Regional do Alentejo), team member
ASTARTE, 2013-2017 - Assessment, STrategy And Risk Reduction for Tsunamis in Europe. Post-Doc fellow for Task 2.1: Recurrence rates of large magnitude earthquakes from geodynamic constraints. Funded by European Commission (FP7 -ENV2013, Project number: 603839), total funding: 7.9 M€, team member, grant recipient
Books & Chapters (up to 10):
Gamboa, D., M. Neres, P. Terrinha, P. Brito, J. Noiva (2022). O Impacto dos Dados de Exploração Petrolífera no Avanço do Conhecimento Científico das Margens Continentais e no Estudo dos Riscos Geológicos em Portugal. In: Boletim de Minas, 55 - Petróleo - Prospeção e Pesquisa em Portugal - 2020-2021. Edited by Direção-Geral de Energia e Geologia. ISSN: 00008-5935
Omira, R., M. Neres, L. Batista (2019), Chapter 8: The Gloria Transform Fault—NE Atlantic: Seismogenic and Tsunamigenic Potential, in Transform Plate Boundaries and Fracture Zones. Edited by J.C. Duarte, pp. 157-167, Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-812064-4.00008-6
Terrinha, P., A. Ramos, M. Neres, V. Valadares, J. Duarte, S. Martinez-Loriente, S. Silva, J. Mata, J. C. Kullberg, A. Casas-Sainz, L. Matias, O. Fernandez, J.A. Muñoz, C. Ribeiro, E. Font, C. Neves, C. Roque, F. Rosas, L. Pinheiro, R. Bartolomé, V. Sallarès, V. Magalhães, T. Medialdea, L. Somoza, E. Gràcia, C. Hensen, M.-A. Gutscher, A. Ribeiro, N. Zitellini (2019). The Alpine orogeny in the West and Southwest Iberia Margins. In: The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach, Vol.3: The Alpine Cycle. C. Quesada and J.T. Oliveira (eds.), Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-11295-0_11
Terrinha, P., J.C. Kullberg, M. Neres, T. Alves, A. Ramos, C. Ribeiro, J. Mata, L. Pinheiro, A. Afilhado, L. Matias, J. Luís, J. A. Muñoz, O. Fernandez (2019). Rifting stages: Southwest Iberia and West Iberia Margins. In: The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach, Vol.3: The Alpine Cycle. C. Quesada and J.T. Oliveira (eds.), Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-11295-0_6
Conferences (last 15 presentations):
Neres, M., L. Gomez de la Peña, I. Merino, M. Prada, C. Ranero (2023). The nature of the Central Atlantic J magnetic anomaly and a new view on its links to the West Iberia – Newfoundland system. AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco
Neres, M., & Ranero, C. R. (2023). An appraisal using magnetic data of the Continent to Ocean Transition Structure West of Iberia (No. EGU23-3394). EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna.
Terrinha, P., M. Neres (presenting author), J. Noiva, P. Brito, M. Rosa, L. Batista, C. Ribeiro (2023). New Late Cretaceous and Central Atlantic Magmatic Province magmatic sources off West Iberia revealed by from high-resolution magnetic surveys on the continental shelf. EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna.
Almeida, J., N. Riel, M. Neres, H. Mohammadigheymasi, S. Custódio, S. Dumont (2023). Lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction as the source for intraplate deformation in the Gulf of Guinea. EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna.
Tsekhmistrenko, M., R.Diaz, K. Harris, F. Tilmann, F. Krüger, A. Ferreira, A., M. Miranda, and the UPFLOW Team (2023). UPLFOW ocean bottom seismometers data: preliminary performance report. EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 Apr 2023, Vienna.
Salgado, A., J. Russo, P. Caleja, J. Freire, M. Neres (2023). Steel And Steam at the entrance of the River Tagus. A different reality and new fields of research. SHA (Society for Historical Archeology) 2023 Conference: Historical and Underwater Archaeology. 4-7 January 2023, Lisbon, Portugal
Cadenas, P., J.K. Welford, J.C. Duarte, L. Somoza, M. Neres, C.R. Ranero, G. Fernández-Viejo, G. Manatschal (2022). Rift structure along the Newfoundland and Iberian Atlantic margins and its role on incipient contractional reactivation. 7th Conjugate Margins Conference. 18-20 October 2022, Marrakesh, Morocco
Camargo, G., M. Neres, M. Bos, B. Martins, S. Custódio, P. Terrinha (2022). Magnetic and gravimetric modeling of the Monchique magmatic intrusion in south Portugal (No. EGU22-2625) EGU General Assembly 2022, 23-27 May 2022, Vienna
Pinheiro, F., M. Neres, M.A. Pais, J.A. Ribeiro, R. Santos, J. Cardoso (2022). Towards an improved proxy for geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) (No. EGU22-8015). EGU General Assembly 2022, 23-27 May 2022, Vienna
Almeida, J., N. Riel, M. Neres, S. Custódio, S. Dumont (2022). Numerical modelling of lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction and intraplate deformation in the Gulf of Guinea (No. EGU22-5076). EGU General Assembly 2022, 23-27 May 2022, Vienna
Rodrigues, D., M. Neres, P. Terrinha, M. Bos, B. Martins (2022). Drone-magnetic survey along the Alentejo coast (SW Portugal): a quest for the intruded Messejana fault (No. EGU22-6489). EGU General Assembly 2022, 23-27 May 2022, Vienna
Neres, M., M.A. Pais, J. Ribeiro, F. Pinheiro, R. Santos, J. Cardoso (2021). Improving geomagnetic proxies for geomagnetically induced currents (GICs). AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, 13-17 December 2021, online. Preprint:
Ramalho, M., L. Matias, M. Neres, M.M.C. Carafa, A. Carvalho, P. Teves-Costa (2021). A sanity check for earthquake recurrence models used in PSHA of slow deforming regions: the case of SW Iberia. EGU General Assembly 2021, online,
Custódio, S., C. Civiero, J. Mata, G. Silveira, M. Neres, D. Schlaphorst (2021). The Central-East Atlantic Anomaly: its role in the genesis of the Canary and Madeira volcanic provinces, EGU General Assembly 2021, online,
Neres, M., P. Terrinha, P. Brito, M. Rosa, J. Noiva, V. Magalhães, M. Silva, M. Teixeira, L. Batista, C. Ribeiro (2020). High-Resolution Marine Magnetic Mapping of the Portuguese Nearshore: Unraveling Geological Domains, Faults and Magmatic Structures. AGU 2020 Fall Meeting, 01-17 December 2020, online. Preprint:
Neres, M., C. Ranero, I. Grevemeyer, I. Merino, V. Sallares, M. Prada, A. Calahorrano, and A. Cameselle (2020). Magnetic modeling of the West Iberian Margin constrained by new geophysical data. EGU General Assembly 2020, online. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-900
2010 – Prémio Gulbenkian de Estímulo à Investigação, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian