SOLAR CAMPUS β Solar energy outdoor laboratory
The Energy Transition group runs the Solar Campus, a laboratory for testing PV systems in real outdoor conditions. Continuous monitoring of all components of solar irradiation and meteo conditions and installed systems is carried out and acquired data can be used for teaching purposes enabling the connection between research and teaching. The characterization of new PV system prototypes is part of a partnership collaboration with companies aiming to analyze system performance in real outdoor conditions.
To enable the characterization of both environmental and operation conditions of the installed photovoltaic systems of the solar campus of FCUL, a new meteorological station started operating at the beginning of January 2015, and has been collecting data from wind, solar radiation, temperature and atmospheric pressure. This unit has several sensors such as piranometers (MS-802), pyreliometers (MS-56), a set for shading and a meteo sensor (WS-500).
Image (left): Monitoring solar irradiation
Image (top): Solar campus experimental facility monitors research and/or innovation solar energy prototypes.
Image (right: )FCUL 200kW PV rooftop system.
Contact Person
Solar Campus β Solar energy outdoor laboratory: Miguel Centeno Brito |