Climate variability processes and extremes

Group Coordination

Ana C. Machado Russo and Pedro Soares


  • Regional climate simulations and impacts

  • Compound extreme events

  • Land-atmosphere-ocean feedbacks

  • Statistical and artificial intelligence methods

Scientific Highlights 

Earth Observation: The RG1 was highly successful on the development of new remote sensing retrieving methods aiming at improving land surface temperature, vegetation and drought characterization. A new Google Earth Engine Open-Source Code was developed for Land Surface Temperature estimation and forest fire scars identification from the Landsat and Sentinel series, respectively.

Modelling: RG1 members took a leading role on the large LANDSAF consortium and an active participation in major international modelling consortia/networks (e.g., CORDEX, EC-EARTH, DAMOCLES), strengthening the climate modelling effort on a global and regional scale. In this context, RG1 contributed to several relevant Flagship Pilot Studies of CORDEX, which includes the new generation of km-scale models for convection, Land Use and Climate Across Scales and URBan environments and Regional Climate Change. A senior RG1 member led the most important national project of assessment, impacts and adaptation of climate change in years - National Roadmap for Adaptation XXI – which is a reference at national level. In resonance with the modelling effort, land-atmosphere and ocean-atmosphere processes were examined, opening a new line of research at IDL. We are also internationally well-known for studies on earth observation of land and ocean surface, and high-resolution regional climate modelling, making a particular effort on converging to km-scale modelling. Particularly, a strong effort was made at very high-resolution, for extreme meteorological (e.g. Hurricane Leslie) and fire (e.g. Pedrogão Grande 2017 fire) events using WRF and WRF-Sfire models.

Weather driven hazards: Significant advancements were made on fire hazard knowledge, including the proposal of new methods for characterizing fire danger incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) to compute burnt areas. Compound extreme events, within the context of the DAMOCLES and Future4Med Cost Actions, international collaborative consortiums (ROADMAP, AMOTHEC) and national projects (IMDROFLOOD, IMPECAF, FIRECAST, DHEFEUS), were a major theme tackled, focusing on floods, droughts, marine and atmospheric heatwaves and fires, their interdependence and its main atmospheric-land processes and circulations drivers. New AI approaches (Deep Learning and XGBoost) have also been tested to analyse compound extreme events and to downscale climate change information to local scales. These will provide useful interfaces between AI methods, the analysis of extreme or compound events and combined downscaling physical and AI tools based on regional climate information. Relevant climate impact studies were also performed focusing on the association between extreme weather events, agriculture, pollution and health in different areas of the globe.

Research Outlook 

RG1 research is focused on understanding the impacts of climate variability, climate extremes and climate change in the coupled Earth system ocean-land-atmosphere and devising adaptation strategies. This encompasses evaluating the influence of historic and future climate conditions on different sectoral areas (agriculture, forests, renewable energies, and health) and ecosystems (vegetation, marine, air pollution), proposing mitigation and adaptation strategies. The group is a key contributor to regional and global climate modelling studies and Earth-system model development, participating in the main international initiatives. RG1 also includes expertise in applied research, mainly concerning climate and remote sensing services, ocean margin processes and renewable energy.

RG1 keeps focusing on modelling and analysing of different dynamical processes in the atmosphere and ocean and their interactions, as well as their variability and extremes, under a climate change perspective. Research will continue to cover a wide spectrum of topics, from large-scale dynamics to local extremes, global to regional earth system modelling, paleoclimatology, eastern boundary systems dynamics, regional climate simulations and impacts, compound extreme events, land/atmosphere or land/ocean interplay and atmospheric circulations, which are of high relevance for the definition of the regional climate in coastal regions. RG1's efforts have been instrumental in pioneering the development of innovative combined physical-AI methodologies, and continue to strengthen the efforts on enhancing the precision of local climate change capture and satellite surface monitoring techniques.

RG1 projects

2018-2021: IMPECAF – Impacts of Extreme Climatic Events on the Agricultural and Forestry Systems: Development of Risk Analysis Models, FCT, Ana Russo (PI)
2018-2021: WEX ATLANTIC – Meteorological Extremes in the Euro Atlantic Region: Evaluation and Impacts, FCT, Margarida Liberato (PI)
2018-2021: HOLMDRIVE – North Atlantic Atmospheric Patterns influence on Western Iberia Climate: From the Lateglacial to the Present, FCT, Alexandre Ramos (PI)
2018-2021: CONTROL – Use of Earth Observations to Model the Surface – Atmosphere Interaction, FCT, Emanuel Dutra (PI)
2018-2021: LEADING – Soil Use Changes and Global Warming Mitigation, FCT, Rita Cardoso (PI)
2018-2021: BeSafeSlide – Prototype of a Low-cost Alert System of Landslide to Improve Community Resilience and Adapt to Environmental Changes, FCT, Ricardo Trigo *
2018-2021: Discover Azores, Ricardo Trigo *
2018-2021: FAST – Development of New Meteo-Tsunami Forecasting Skills on the Iberian Platform, FCT, Pedro Viterbo (PI)
2018-2021: Carniege Mellon Univiversity Project, FCT, Margarida Liberato*
2018-2020: Global Rivers Routing, ECMWF, Emanuel Dutra (PI)
2017-2021: Exploratory, FCT, Emanuel Dutra (PI)
2016 – 2019: PIEZAGRO – Vulnerability Risk Assessment for the Agroforestry Sector in South Portugal Under Climate Change: Impact of the Evolution of the Piezometric Level, FCT/PTDC, Cathy Kurz-Besson (PI)
2016 – 2019: BrFLAS – Sistema Brasileiro Fogo-Superfície-Atmosfera, FCT/FAPESP, Carlos da Câmara (PI)
2016 – 2019: IMDROFLOOD – Improving Drought and Flood Early Warning, Forecasting and Mitigation Using Real-time Hydroclimatic Indicators, EU, Ricardo Trigo (PI)
2016 – 2019: FORLAND – Disastrous Floods and Landslides in Portugal: Driving Forces and Applications for Land Use Planning, FCT/PTDC, Ricardo Trigo *

* Responsible Researcher in IDL (Collaboration/Task Leader)

RG1 Publications


Alvarez-Socorro G, Fernández-Alvarez JC, Sorí R, Pérez-Alarcón A, Nieto R, Gimeno L (2021) Space-Time Assessment of Extreme Precipitation in Cuba between 1980 and 2019 from Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation Dataset, Atmosphere, 12 (8), 995. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12080995

Alves JMRTomé RCaldeira RMiranda, PMA (2021) Asymmetric ocean response to atmospheric forcing in an island wake: a high-resolution 35-year study, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 624392. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.624392

Andrade M, Ramalho RS, Pimentel A, Hernández A, KutterolfS, Sáez A, Benavente M, Raposeiro PM, Giralt S (2021) Unraveling the Holocene Eruptive History of Flores Island (Azores) Through the Analysis of Lacustrine Sedimentary Records, Frontiers in Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.738178

Azevedo CC, Camargo CML, Alves JMRCaldeira RMA (2021) Convection and Heat Transfer in Island (Warm) Wakes, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51 (4), 1187-1203. DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0103.1

Azevedo L, Matias LM, Turco F, Tromm R, Peliz AJ (2021) Geostatistical Seismic Inversion for Temperature and Salinity in the Madeira Abyssal Plain, Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.685007

Ban N, Caillaud C, Coppola E, Pichelli E, Sobolowski S, Adinolfi M, Ahrens B, Alias A, Anders I, Bastin S, Belusic D, Berthou S, Brisson E, Cardoso RM, Chan SC, Christensen OB, Fernandez J, Fita L, Frisius T, Gasparac G, Giorgi F, Goergen K, Haugen JE, Hodnebrog O, Kartsios S, Katragkou E, Kendon EJ, Keuler K, Lavin-Gullon A, Lenderink G, Leutwyler D, Lorenz T, Maraun D, Mercogliano P, Milovac J, Panitz HJ, Raffa M, Remedio AR, Schar C, Soares PMM, Srnec L, Steensen BM, Stocchi P, Tolle MH, Truhetz H, Vergara-Temprado J, de Vries H, Warrach-Sagi K, Wulfmeyer V, Zander MJ (2021) The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution, part I: evaluation of precipitation, Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-021-05708-w

Barroso A, Mogo S, Silva MMVG, Cachorro V, De Frutos Á (2021) Morphology, mineralogy, and chemistry of atmospheric aerosols nearby an active mining area: Aljustrel mine (SW Portugal), Atmosphere, 12 (3), 333. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12030333

Bento VARibeiro AFSRusso ACGouveia CMCardoso RMSoares PMM (2021) The impact of climate change in wheat and barley yields in the Iberian Peninsula, Scientific Reports, 11, 15484. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-95014-6

Bergonse R, Oliveira S, Goncalves A, Nunes SDaCamara CC, Zezere JL (2021) A combined structural and seasonal approach to assess wildfire susceptibility and hazard in summertime, Natural Hazards, 106 (3), 2545-2573. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-021-04554-7

Bergonse R, Oliveira S, Goncalves A, Nunes SDaCamara CC, Zezere JL (2021) Predicting burnt areas during the summer season in Portugal by combining wildfire susceptibility and spring meteorological conditions, Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk, 12 (1), 1039-1057. DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2021.1909664

Bevacqua E, De Michele C, Manning C, Couasnon A, Ribeiro AFS, Ramos AM, Vignotto E, Bastos A, Blesic S, Durante F, Hillier J, Oliveira SC, Pinto JG, Ragno E, Rivoire P, Saunders K, van der Wiel K, Wu WY, Zhang TY, Zscheischler J (2021) Guidelines for Studying Diverse Types of Compound Weather and Climate Events, Earths Future, 9 (11), e2021EF002340. DOI: 10.1029/2021EF002340

Bilbao R, Wild S, Ortega P, Acosta-Navarro J, Arsouze T, Bretonniere PA, Caron LP, Castrillo M, Cruz-Garcia R, Cvijanovic I, Doblas-Reyes FJ, Donat M, Dutra E, Echevarria P, Ho AC, Loosveldt-Tomas S, Moreno-Chamarro E, Perez-Zanon N, Ramos A, Ruprich-Robert Y, Sicardi V, Tourigny E, Vegas-Regidor J (2021) Assessment of a full-field initialized decadal climate prediction system with the CMIP6 version of EC-Earth, Earth System Dynamics, 12 (1), 173-196. DOI: 10.5194/esd-12-173-2021

Boussetta S, Balsamo G, Arduini G, Dutra E, McNorton J, Choulga M, Agusti-Panareda A, Beljaars A, Wedi N, Munoz-Sabater J, de Rosnay P, Sandu I, Hadade I, Carver G, Mazzetti C, Prudhomme C, Yamazaki D, Zsoter E (2021) ECLand: The ECMWF Land Surface Modelling System, Atmosphere, 12 (6), 723. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12060723

Bozroudi SHH, Ciani D, Mahdizadeh MM, Akbarinasab M, Aguiar ACBPeliz AJ, Chapron B, Fablet R, Carton X (2021) Effect of Subsurface Mediterranean Water Eddies on Sound Propagation Using ROMS Output and the Bellhop Model, Water, 13 (24), 3617. DOI: 10.3390/w13243617

Bravo-Paredes N, Gallego MC, Vaquero JM, Trigo RM (2021) The catastrophic floods in the Guadiana River basin since 1500 CE, Science of the Total Environment, 797, 149141. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149141

Calheiros T, Pereira MG, Nunes JP (2021) Assessing impacts of future climate change on extreme fire weather and pyro-regions in Iberian Peninsula, Science of the Total Environment, 754, 142233. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142233

Cardoso CCaldeira RMA (2021) Modeling the Exposure of the Macaronesia Islands (NE Atlantic) to Marine Plastic Pollution, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 653502. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.653502

Carmo-Costa T, Bilbao R, Ortega P, Teles-Machado ADutra E (2021) Trends, variability and predictive skill of the ocean heat content in North Atlantic: an analysis with the EC-Earth3 model, Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-021-05962-y

Carmo-Costa T, Bilbao R, Ortega P, Teles-Machado ADutra E (2021) Correction to: Trends, variability and predictive skill of the ocean heat content in North Atlantic: an analysis with the EC-Earth3 model (Climate Dynamics, (2021), 10.1007/s00382-021-05962-y), Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-021-06065-4

Casaucao A, González-Ortegón E, Jiménez MP, Teles-Machado APlecha SPeliz AJ, Laiz I (2021) Assessment of the spawning habitat, spatial distribution, and Lagrangian dispersion of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) early stages in the Gulf of Cadiz during an apparent anomalous episode in 2016, Science of the Total Environment, 781, 146530. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146530

Caudillo L, Rorup B, Heinritzi M, Marie G, Simon M, Wagner AC, Muller T, Granzin M, Amorim A, Ataei F, Baalbaki R, Bertozzi B, Brasseur Z, Chiu R, Chu B, Dada L, Duplissy J, Finkenzeller H, Gonzalez Carracedo L, He X-C, Hofbauer V, Kong W, Lamkaddam H, Lee CP, Lopez B, Mahfouz NGA, Makhmutov V, Manninen HE, Marten R, Massabo D, Mauldin RL, Mentler B, Molteni U, Onnela A, Pfeifer J, Philippov M, Piedehierro AA, Schervish M, Scholz W, Schulze B, Shen J, Stolzenburg D, Stozhkov Y, Surdu M, Tauber C, Tham YJ, Tian P, Tome A, Vogt S, Wang M, Wang DS, Weber SK, Welti A, Yonghong W, Yusheng W, Zauner-Wieczorek M, Baltensperger U, El Haddad I, Flagan RC, Hansel A, Hohler K, Kirkby J, Kulmala M, Lehtipalo K, Mohler O, Saathoff H, Volkamer R, Winkler PM, Donahue NM, Kurten A, Curtius J (2021) Chemical composition of nanoparticles from α-pinene nucleation and the influence of isoprene and relative humidity at low temperature, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21 (22), 17099-1711425. DOI: 10.5194/acp-21-17099-2021

Cavaleiro RRusso ASousa PM, Durao R (2021) Association between Prevailing Circulation Patterns and Coarse Particles in Portugal, Atmosphere, 12 (1), 85. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12010085

Cereja R, Brotas V, Cruz JPC, Rodrigues M, Brito AC (2021) Tidal and Physicochemical Effects on Phytoplankton Community Variability at Tagus Estuary (Portugal), Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 675699. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.675699

Chinita MJ, Richardson M, Teixeira J, Miranda PMA (2021) Global mean frequency increases of daily and sub-daily heavy precipitation in ERA5, Environmental Research Letters, 16 (7), 074035. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac0caa

Drumond A, Stojanovic M, Nieto R, Gimeno L, Liberato MLR, Pauliquevis T, Oliveira M, Ambrizzi T (2021) Dry and Wet Climate Periods over Eastern South America: Identification and Characterization through the SPEI Index, Atmosphere, 12(2), 155. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12020155

Dutra EJohannsen F, Magnusson L (2021) Late Spring and Summer Subseasonal Forecasts in the Northern Hemisphere Midlatitudes: Biases and Skill in the ECMWF Model, Monthly Weather Review, 149 (8), 2659-2671. DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-20-0342.1

Eiras-Barca J, Ramos AM, Algarra I, Vázquez M, Dominguez F, Miguez-Macho G, Nieto R, Gimeno L, Taboada J, Ralph FM (2021) European West Coast atmospheric rivers: A scale to characterize strength and impacts, Weather and Climate Extremes, 31, 100305.

Ermitão TGouveia CM, Bastos A, Russo AC (2021) Vegetation productivity losses linked to mediterranean hot and dry events, Remote Sensing, 13 (19), 4010. DOI: 10.3390/rs13194010

Field RJ, Freire JG, Gallas JAC (2021) Quint points lattice in a driven Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction model, Chaos, 31 (5), 053124. DOI: 10.1063/5.0047167

Geirinhas JLRusso ACLibonati RSousa PM, Miralles DG, Trigo RM (2021) Recent increasing frequency of compound summer drought and heatwaves in Southeast Brazil, Environmental Research Letters, 16 (3), 034036. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe0eb

Gimeno L, Algarra I, Eiras-Barca J, Ramos AM, Nieto R (2021) Atmospheric River, a term encompassing different meteorological patterns, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews – Warter, e1558. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1558

Goncalves ALiberato MLR, Nieto R (2021) Wind Energy Assessment during High-Impact Winter Storms in Southwestern Europe, Atmosphere, 12 (4), 509. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12040509

Gonzalez-Cao J, Fernandez-Novoa D, Garcia-Feal O, Figueira JR, Vaquero JM, Trigo RM, Gomez-Gesteira M (2021) Numerical reconstruction of historical extreme floods: The Guadiana event of 1876, Journal of Hydrology, 599, 126292. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126292

Granadeiro JP, Belo J, Henriques M, Catalão J, Catry T (2021) Using Sentinel-2 Images to Estimate Topography, Tidal-Stage Lags and Exposure Periods over Large Intertidal Areas, Remote Sensing, 13 (2), 320. DOI: 10.3390/rs13020320

He XC, Tham YJ, Dada L, Wang M, Finkenzeller H, Stolzenburg D, Iyer S, Simon M, Kürten A, Shen J, Rörup B, Rissanen M, Schobesberger S, Baalbaki R, Wang DS, Koenig TK, Jokinen T, Sarnela N, Beck LJ, Almeida J, Amanatidis S, Amorim A, Ataei F, Baccarini A, Bertozzi B, Bianchi F, Brilke S, Caudillo L, Chen D, Chiu R, Chu B, Dias A, Ding A, Dommen J, Duplissy J, El Haddad I, Gonzalez Carracedo L, Granzin M, Hansel A, Heinritzi M, Hofbauer V, Junninen H, Kangasluoma J, Kemppainen D, Kim C, Kong W, Krechmer JE, Kvashin A, Laitinen T, Lamkaddam H, Lee CP, Lehtipalo K, Leiminger M, Li Z, Makhmutov V, Manninen HE, Marie G, Marten R, Mathot S, Mauldin RL, Mentler B, Möhler O, Müller T, Nie W, Onnela A, Petäjä T, Pfeifer J, Philippov M, Ranjithkumar A, Saiz-Lopez A, Salma I, Scholz W, Schuchmann S, Schulze B, Steiner G, Stozhkov Y, Tauber C, Tomé A, Thakur RC, Väisänen O, Vazquez-Pufleau M, Wagner AC, Wang Y, Weber SK, Winkler PM, Wu Y, Xiao M, Yan C, Ye Q, Ylisirniö A, Zauner-Wieczorek M, Zha Q, Zhou P, Flagan RC, Curtius J, Baltensperger U, Kulmala M, Kerminen V-M, Kurtén T, Donahue NM, Volkamer R, Kirkby J, Worsnop DR, Sipilä M (2021) Role of iodine oxoacids in atmospheric aerosol nucleation, Science, 371 (6529), 589-595. DOI: 10.1126/science.abe0298

Henin RRamos AM, Pinto JG, Liberato MLR (2021) A ranking of concurrent precipitation and wind events for the Iberian Peninsula, International Journal of Climatology, 41 (2), 1421-1437. DOI: 10.1002/joc.6829

Hernández A, Cachão M, Sousa PMTrigo RM, Luterbacher J, Vaquero JM, Freitas MC (2021) External forcing mechanisms controlling the North Atlantic coastal upwelling regime during the mid-Holocene, Geology, 49 (4), 433-437. DOI: 10.1130/G48112.1

Heydarizad M, Gimeno L, Sorí R, Minaei F, Mayvan JE (2021) The stable isotope characteristics of precipitation in the middle east highlighting the link between the köppen climate classifications and the δ18o and δ2h values of precipitation, Water, 13 (17), 2397. DOI: 10.3390/w13172397

Heydarizad M, Minaei M, Ichiyanagi K, Sori R (2021) The effects of local and regional parameters on the δ18O and δ2H values of precipitation and surface water resources in the Middle East, Journal of Hydrology, 600, 126485. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126485

Lavin-Gullon A, Fernandez J, Bastin S, Cardoso RM, Fita L, Giannaros TM, Goergen K, Gutierrez JM, Kartsios S, Katragkou E, Lorenz T, Milovac J, Soares PMM, Sobolowski S, Warrach-Sagi K (2021) Internal variability versus multi-physics uncertainty in a regional climate model, International Journal of Climatology, 41 (S1), E656-E671. DOI: 10.1002/joc.6717

Lemos G, Menendez M, Semedo AMiranda PMA, Hemer M (2021) On the decreases in North Atlantic significant wave heights from climate projections, Climate Dynamics, 57, 2301–2324. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-021-05807-8

Lemos GSemedo A, Hemer M, Menendez M, Miranda PMA (2021) Remote climate change propagation across the oceans-the directional swell signature, Environmental Research Letters, 16 (6), 064080. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac046b

Liberato MLR, Montero I, Gouveia CMRusso ACRamos AMTrigo RM (2021) Rankings of extreme and widespread dry and wet events in the Iberian Peninsula between 1901 and 2016, Earth System Dynamics, 12 (1), 197-210. DOI: 10.5194/esd-12-197-2021

Libonati R, Pereira JMC, DaCamara CC, Peres LF, Oom D, Rodrigues JA, Santos FLM, Trigo RMGouveia CM, Machado-Silva F, Enrich-Prast A, Silva JMN (2021) Twenty-first century droughts have not increasingly exacerbated fire season severity in the Brazilian Amazon, Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 4400. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82158-8

Lima DCASoares PMMCardoso RMSemedo A, William C, Sein DV (2021) The Present and Future Offshore Wind Resource in the Southwestern African region, Climate Dynamics, 56 (5-6), 1371-1388. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-020-05536-4

Lima MMHurduc ARamos AMTrigo RM (2021) The Increasing Frequency of Tropical Cyclones in the Northeastern Atlantic Sector, Frontiers in Earth Science. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.745115

Liu QX, Babanin AV, Rogers WE, Zieger S, Young IR, Bidlot JR, Durrant T, Ewans K, Guan CL, Kirezci C, Lemos G, MacHutchon K, Moon I, Rapizo H, Ribal A, Semedo A, Wang JJ (2021) Global Wave Hindcasts Using the Observation-Based Source Terms: Description and Validation, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13 (8), e2021MS002493. DOI: 10.1029/2021MS002493

Machado I, Costa JL, Cabral H (2021) Response of Food-Webs Indicators to Human Pressures, in the Scope of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 699566. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.699566

Machado I, Teixeira CM, Costa JL, Cabral H (2021) Identifying assessment scales for food web criteria in the NE Atlantic: Implications for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78 (1), 246-263. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa217

Machado-Silva F, Peres LF, Gouveia CM, Enrich-Prast A, Peixoto RB, Pereira JMC, Marotta H, Fernandes PJF, Libonati R (2021) Drought Resilience Debt Drives NPP Decline in the Amazon Forest, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35 (9), e2021GB007004. DOI: 10.1029/2021GB007004

Marques FO, Catalão J, Hubscher C, Costa ACG, Hildenbrand A, Zeyen H, Nomikou P, Lebas E, Zanon V (2021) The shaping of a volcanic ridge in a tectoERAally active setting: The Pico-Faial Ridge in the Azores Triple Junction, Geomorphology, 378, 1076312. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107612

Marras PA, Lima DCASoares PMMCardoso RM, Medas D, Dore E, De Giudici G (2021) Future precipitation in a Mediterranean island and streamflow changes for a small basin using EURO-CORDEX regional climate simulations and the SWAT model, Journal of Hydrology, 603, 127025. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127025

Mateus P, Mendes VB, Plecha SM (2021) HGPT2: An ERA5-based global model to estimate relative humidity, Remote Sensing, 13 (11), 2179. DOI: 10.3390/rs13112179

Mateus PMiranda PMA, Nico G, Catalão J (2021) Continuous Multitrack Assimilation of Sentinel-1 Precipitable Water Vapor Maps for Numerical Weather Prediction: How Far Can We Go With Current InSAR Data?, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 126 (3), e2020JD034171. DOI: 10.1029/2020JD034171

Menard CB, Essery R, Krinner G, Arduini G, Bartlett P, Boone A, Brutel-Vuilmet C, Burke E, Cuntz M, Dai Y, Decharme B, Dutra E, Fang X, Fierz C, Gusev Y, Hagemann S, Haverd V, Kim H, Lafaysse M, Marke T, Nasonova O, Nitta T, Niwano M, Pomeroy J, Schädler G, Semenov VA, Smirnova T, Strasser U, Swenson S, Turkov D, Wever N, Yuan H (2021) Scientific and human errors in a snow model intercomparison, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102 (1), E61-E79. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0329.1

Miranda PMAMateus P (2021) A New Unconstrained Approach to GNSS Atmospheric Water Vapor Tomography, Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (1716), e2021GL094852. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL094852

Miranda PMATome RFrois LNogueira M, Alves JMR, Prior V, Caldeira RMADutra E (2021) Speed-up of the Madeira tip jets in the ERA5 climate highlights the decadal variability of the Atlantic subtropics, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 147 (734), 679-690. DOI: 10.1002/qj.3940

Muñoz-Sabater J, Dutra E, Agustí-Panareda A, Albergel C, Arduini G, Balsamo G, Boussetta S, Choulga M, Harrigan S, Hersbach H, Martens B, Miralles DG (2021) ERA5-Land: A state-of-the-art global reanalysis dataset for land applications, Earth System Science Data, 13 (9), 4349 – 4383. DOI: 10.5194/essd-13-4349-2021

Nascimento A, Biguino B, Borges C, Cereja R, Cruz JPC, Sousa F, Dias J, Brotas V, Palma C, Brito AC (2021) Tidal variability of water quality parameters in a mesotidal estuary (Sado Estuary, Portugal), Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 23112. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-02603-6

Navarro A, Silva I, Catalão J, Falcão J (2021) An operational Sentinel-2 based monitoring system for the management and control of direct aids to the farmers in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): A case study in mainland Portugal, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 103, 102469. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2021.102469

Nogueira M, Boussetta S, Balsamo G, Albergel C, Trigo IFJohannsen F, Miralles DG, Dutra E (2021) Upgrading Land-Cover and Vegetation Seasonality in the ECMWF Coupled System: Verification With FLUXNET Sites, METEOSAT Satellite Land Surface Temperatures, and ERA5 Atmospheric Reanalysis, JGR: Atmospheres, 126 (15), e2020JD034163. DOI: 10.1029/2020JD034163

O’Mara MT, Amorim F, Scacco M, McCracken GF, Safi K, Mata V, Tomé R, Swartz S, Wikelski M, Beja P, Rebelo H, Dechmann DKN (2021) Bats use topography and nocturnal updrafts to fly high and fast, Current Biology, 31 (6). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.12.042

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