Rafael Dinis



Research Group: RG3 – Solid Earth dynamics
Position at IDL: Phd Student
Job: Phd Student
Email: dinis26rafaelmail.com

Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

  • 2016-2019 – BSc in Geology (Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology – Coimbra)

  • 2019-2021 – MSc IN Geosciences (Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology – Coimbra)

  • Paleomagnetism of the Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism of the Lusitanian Basin and Implications for the Apparent Polar Wander Path of Iberia: Study of the AnΓ§os and Lomba dos Pianos sills

Scientific Informations

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9880-045X


Main Interests: 

Paleomagnetism, Paleoclimate, Igneous Provinces, Speleothems magnetism

Projects (10 most relevant): 

2022-2025: SAMEPA - Speleothems as magnetic, environmental and paleo-fire archives. Funded by FCT (ref. PTDC/CTA-GEO/0125/2021; 244.649,19 €)

Conferences (last 15 presentations): 

Dinis, R., Font, E., ParΓ©s, J., Carmo, J., Trindade, R., Vilhena, L., Reboleira, A. S., HasΓΆzbek, A., Jimenez-Barredo, F., and Carvalho, E. (2024). Paleomagnetism and Relative Paleointensity of Estremenho Limestone Massif stalagmites, from Portugal. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.

Dinis, R., Font, E., Carmo, J., Reboleira, A. S., HasΓΆzbek, A., Jimenez-Barredo, F., Carvalho, E., Spangenberg, J., Trindade, R. (2023). Magnetic and Climatic Record of Speleothems from Portugal. XI Geology Nacional Congress, Coimbra, Portugal.

Dinis, R., Font, E., Carmo, J., Trindade, R., Reboleira, A. S., HasΓΆzbek, A., Jimenez-Barredo, F., ParΓ©s, J., Carvalho, E. (2023). Paleomagnetism and Relative Paleointensity of two stalagmites from the Estremenho Limestone Massif, Portugal. XII MagIber, Porto, Portugal.

Dinis, R., Font, E., Neres, M., GanerΓΈd, M., Gomes, E., Terrinha, P., and Sanchez-Moreno, E. (2021). Paleomagnetism of the Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria.