Pedro Miranda



Research Group: RG1 – Climate variability processes and extremes
Position at IDL: Researcher
Job: Full Professor 
Telephone Number: (251) 21-750-0885 
Extension: 28338 
Room: 8.3.38 
Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

PhD in Meteorology, 1991, University of Reading (UK)

Professor com Agregação (FCUL)

Former IDL director, integrated member

Scientific Informations



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Scientific Interests

Main Interests: 

Numerical modelling of geophysical fluids. Mountain waves. Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions. Climate Change.


Top 10 Publications: 

Miranda PMA, Tomé R, Frois L, Nogueira M, Alves JMR, Prior V, Caldeira R, Dutra E (2021) Speed-up of the Madeira tip jets in the ERA5 climate highlights the decadal variability of the Atlantic subtropics, Q. R. Meteorol. Soc., 147, 679-690,

Miranda PMA, Mateus P, Nico G, Catalão J, Tomé R, Nogueira M (2019). InSAR meteorology: High‐resolution geodetic data can increase atmospheric predictability, Geophysical Research Letters,46,2949–2955.

Mateus P, Miranda PMA, Nico G, Catalão J, Pinto P, Tomé R (2018) Assimilating InSAR maps of water vapor to improve heavy rainfall forecasts: a case study with 2 successive storms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 3341-3355, DOI: 10.1002/2017JD027472.

Miranda PMA, Alves JMR, Serra N (2013), Climate change and upwelling: response of Iberian upwelling to atmospheric forcing in a regional climate scenario, Climate Dynamics, 40, 2813-2824, DOI:10.1007/s00382012–1442–9

Soares PMM, Cardoso RM, Miranda PMA, Medeiros J, Belo-Pereira M, Espírito-Santo F (2012) WRF High Resolution Dynamical Downscaling of ERA-Interim for Portugal, Climate Dynamics, 39, 2497-2522, DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1315-2

Dutra EN, Balsamo G, Viterbo P, Miranda PMA, Beljaars A, Schär C, Elder K (2010) An improved snow scheme for the ECMWF land surface model: description and offline validation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11, 899– 916, doi: 10.1175/2010JHM1249.1

Soares PMM, Miranda PMA, Teixeira J, Siebesma AP (2007): “An Eddy-diffusivity/Mass-flux Boundary Layer Parameterization Based on the TKE Equation: a Dry Convection Case Study”, Special Issue on Micrometeorology of Fisica de la Tierra, 19, 147-161.

Tomé AR, Miranda PMA (2004): “Piecewise linear fitting and trend changing points of climate parameters”, Geophysical Research Lett., Vol. 31, No. 2, L02207, 10.1029/2003GL019100

Pires C, Miranda PMA (2001): “Tsunami waveform inversion by adjoint methods”. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, No. C9, 19773-19796.

Miranda PMA, James IN (1992): “Non-linear three-dimensional effects on gravity wave drag: Splitting flow and breaking waves”. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 118, 1057-1082.

Projects (10 most relevant): 

Principal Investigator of Project SHARE – Seamless High Resolution Atmosphere-Ocean Research, 2012-2015, 250k€.

Principal Investigator of EU Project EUPORIAS (2012-2016): European Provision Of Regional Impacts Assessments on Seasonal and Decadal Timescales. IDL Budget: 247k€.

PI of Project SMOG – Structure of Moist convection in high-resolution GNSS observations and models, PTDC/CTE-ATM/119922/2010, FCT (2012-2015). Budget: 65 k€.

AMIC- Assessing the Mid-Century Climate Transition, PTDC/AAC-CLI/109030/2008, (2009-2013) PI of the FCUL team. Budget: FCUL 93 k€ (Total 170k€)

PI of Project BOSS – Boundary layer and Orographic Subgrid Scale processes in climate, Grant POCTI/CTE/58932/2004, FCT (2005-2008). Budget: 62K€.

PI of Project VAST – Variability of Atlantic Storms and their Impact on Land Climate, Grant POCTI/CTA/46573/2002, FCT, (2005-2008), 55K€.

PI of Project BULET – Boundary Layer Effects and Turbulence in Complex Terrain, Grant PCTI/1999/CTA/33980, FCT, (2001-2004), 140k€.

PI of the Portuguese team in project EUROCS (European, FPV Framework), (2000-2003), coordenador J.-L. Redelsperger (CNRM-Météo/France). Budget (PT): 20 k€

PI of Project: CICLUS – Climate Impact of Changes in Land Use. Grant 3/3.2/EMG/1968/95, PRAXIS (1997/2000). Budget: 150 k€.

PI of Project CASH – Circulação Atmosférica Sobre Superfícies Heteorogéneas: efeitos de mesoscala e sensibilidade climática, Grant PBIC/CTA/2122/95, JNICT (1996/98), 30k€.

PI of Project “Modulação dinâmica de fluxos de massa e energia na camada limite por circulações de mesoscala”, JNICT, Grant PBIC/C/CEN/1082/92, 1993-1996. Budget: 37.5 k€

Books & Chapters (up to 10): 

Miranda, PMA (2009) Meteorologia e Ambiente, 2ª edição, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, 357 pp.

Santos FD, Miranda PMA, editores (2006) Alterações climáticas em Portugal: cenários, impactos e medidas de adaptação (Projecto SIAM2), Gradiva, 506 pp.

Soares PMM, Teixeira J, and Miranda PMA (2010): Parametrization of convective boundary layer turbulence and clouds in atmospheric models, in Moreira D and Vilhena M (eds) Air Pollution and Turbulence, 2010, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 324pp, 69-130.

Miranda PMA, Valente MA, Tomé AR, Trigo R, Coelho MF, Aguiar A, Azevedo EB (2006) O clima de Portugal nos séculos XX e XXI, in Santos e Miranda (eds), 2006, 47-113, Gradiva.

Miranda PMA, Moita R, Valente MA, Cunha LV, Ribeiro L, Oliveira RP, Nascimento J, Nunes L, Dill AM, Brandão AP, Pinto PA, Braga R, Pereira JS, Correia AC, Correia AV, Onofre N, Freitas H, Andrade C, Freitas MC, Brito P, Amorim A, Barata A, Cabaço G, Reis CS, Lemos R, Alagador D, Casimiro E, Calheiros JM, Sousa C, Alves-Pires C, Pereira MC, Cardoso M, Afonso O, Almeida P, Nogueira P, Sousa R, Aguiar R, Oliveira M, Gonçalves H (2006) A mudança climática no vale do Sado, in Santos e Miranda (eds), 2006, 385-479, Gradiva.

Mendes-Victor L, Ribeiro A, Matias L, Baptista MA, Miranda JM, Miranda P, Zitellini N, Garcia E, Corela C, Terrinha P, Rovere M, Teixeira F (2005) Progresses in the assessment of tsunami genesis and impacts around the Portuguese coasts, in Tsunamis, Case Studies and Recent Developments, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 23, Satake, Kenji (Ed.), 2005, VIII, 356 p., Hardcover, ISBN: 1-4020-3326-5.

Pires C, Miranda PMA (2005) Adjoint inversion of the source parameters of near-shore tsunamigenic earthquakes, in Tsunamis, Case Studies and Recent Developments, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 23, Satake, Kenji (Ed.), 2005, VIII, 356 p., 241-258, Hardcover, ISBN: 1-4020-3326-5.

Miranda PMA, Coelho F, Tomé AR, Valente MA, Carvalho A, Pires C, Pires HO, Cabrinha VC, Ramalho C (2002) 20th Century Portuguese Climate and Climate Scenarios, in Santos, F.D., K Forbes and R. Moita (eds), 2002, Climate Change in Portugal: Scenarios, Impacts and Adptation Measures”, 27-83. Gradiva.

Miranda PMA (1997) Non-linear effects and resonance in 3D flow past isolated mountains, in Workshop on Orography, 81-96. European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK.

Teixeira MAC, Miranda PMA (1996) Development of an integral model for the dispersion of hot and moist gases, Air Pollution IV – Monitoring, Simulation and Control, edited by Caussade, B., H. Power and C.A. Brebbia, 89-98. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton.