Patrícia S. Silva



Research Group: RG1 – Climate variability processes and extremes
Position at IDL: PhD Student
Job: PhD Student 
Room: 8.3.15 
Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

Energy and Environmental Engineering

Scientific Informations



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Scientific Interests

Main Interests: 

I’m very interested in studying natural hazards in light of future climate change. Accordingly, my main research interests include Climate Modelling and Remote Sensing.

Top 10 Publications: 

  • Silva, P. S.; Bastos, A.; Libonati, R.; Rodrigues, J. A.; DaCamara, C. (2019). Impacts of the 1.5°C global warming target on future burned area in the Brazilian cerrado. Forest Ecology and Management, 446, 193-203.

  • Silva, P.; Bastos, A.; DaCamara, C.; Libonati, R. (2016). Future Projections of Fire Occurrence in Brazil Using EC-Earth Climate Model. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 31(3), 288-297.

Projects (10 most relevant): 

Brazilian Fire-Land-Atmosphere System (BrFLAS). Research Fellow (2016-2019)

Conferences (last 15 presentations): 

Libonati R., Oom D., DaCamara C., Rodrigues J.A., Lemos F.M., Silva P., Pereira A., Nogueira J., Peres L.F., Silva J.M.N, Martins G., Setzer A.W. and Pereira J.M.C. After 18 years of satellite burned area products, have we achieved a compressive knowledge of fire pattern in Brazilian Savannah? 2019 Joint EUMETSAT/AMS/NOAA Satellite Conference, 28 September to 4 October, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Silva P.S., Rodrigues J.A., Libonati R., Bastos A. and DaCamara C. Impacts of future climate on burned area over Cerrado-MATOPIBA. 7th International Wildland Fire Conference (WILDFIRE 2019), 28 October to 1 November, Campo Grande-MS, Brazil. (oral)

Rodrigues J.A., Silva P.S., Libonati R., Pereira A.A., Nogueira J.M.P., Martins G., Santos F.L.M., Peres L.F., Oom D., DaCamara C., Pereira J.M.C., Setzer A.. Spatial and temporal characteristics of fire patterns in the Cerrado using 18 years of satellite observations. 7th International Wildland Fire Conference (WILDFIRE 2019), 28 October to 1 November, Campo Grande-MS, Brazil. (poster)

Silva P., Bastos A., DaCamara C. and Libonati R. The 1.5ºC global warming target and its impact on future burned area in the Brazilian savanna. EGU General Assembly 2019, 7-12 April, Vienna, Austria. (oral)

Silva P.S., Bastos A., DaCamara C. and Libonati R. impacts of global warming on future burned area in the Brazilian Cerrado. 11º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG 2019, 25-17 March, Cascais, Portugal. (oral)

Silva P., Bastos A., DaCamara C. and Libonati R. Evaluating fire danger in Brazilian biomes: present and future patterns. EGU General Assembly 2017, 23-28 April, Vienna, Austria. (oral)

Silva P., Bastos A., DaCamara C. and Libonati R. Evaluating meteorological fire danger in Brazilian biomes in the 20th century. 10º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG 2017, 20-22 March, Lisbon, Portugal. (oral)

Silva P., Bastos A., DaCamara C. and Libonati R. Trends in fire risk and burned area in Brazil in the 20th century. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, 12-16 December, San Francisco, California, USA. (poster)

Silva P., Bastos A., DaCamara C. and Libonati R. Future projections of fire danger for Brazilian ecosystems under climate change scenarios. XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia 2016, 07-11 November, João Pessoa, Estado da Paraíba. (poster)

Silva P., Bastos A., DaCamara C. and Libonati R. Future projections of fire danger in Brazilian savanna and shrublands in the 21st century. EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, Vienna, Austria. (poster)

Silva P., Bastos A., DaCamara C. and Libonati R. Future projections of fire occurrence in Brazil using EC-Earth climate model. VISIC Simpósio Internacional de Climatologia 2015, 13-16 October, Natal-RN, Brazil. (poster)


Travel Grant, American Geophysical Union’s Natural Hazards Focus Group – 2016

One of the best works presented at VISIC Simpósio Internacional de Climatologia, SBMET (Brazilian Society of Meteorology) – 2015