Nuno Afonso Dias



Research Group: RG3 – Solid Earth dynamics
Job: Assistant Professor 
Telephone Number: (351) 21-831-7135 
Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

PhD in Physics / Solid Earth Geophysics, 2006

Scientific Informations



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Scientific Interests

Main Interests: 

Experimental Seismology, Body-wave and Local Earthquake Tomography and Seismic Anisotropy, Tectonophysics, Crustal structure and Evolution

Top 10 Publications: 

  1. M. Moulin, D. Aslanian, M. Evain, A. Leprêtre, P. Schnurle, F. Verrier, J. Thompson, P. De Clarens, S. Leroy, N. Dias & The PAMELA-MOZ35 Team, “Gondwana breakup: messages from the North Natal Valley”, accepted Terra Nova (2019), DOI: 10.1111/ter.12448.

  2. Loureiro A., P. Schnurle, F. Klingelhöfer, A. Afilhado, M. Evain, F. Gallais, M. Rabineau, A. Baltzer, M. Benabdellouahed, J. Pinheiro, N. Dias, J. Soares, R. Fuck, J. A. Cupertino, A. R. Viana, L. Matias, M. Moulin, and D. Aslanian, “Imaging exhumed lower continental crust and proto-oceanic crust in the distal Jequitinhonha basin, Brazil”, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 84 (2018) 351-372, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2018.01.009.

  3. Veludo, I., N. A. Dias, P.E. Fonseca, L. Matias, F. Carrilho, C. Haberland and A. Villaseñor, 2017. Crustal seismic structure beneath Portugal and southern Galicia (Western Iberia) and the role of Variscan inheritance, Tectonophysics, 717, 645-664, doi. 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.08.018.

  4. Dündar, S., N. A. Dias, G. Silveira, R. Kind, L. Vinnik, L. Matias, M. Bianchi, 2016. Estimation of the crustal bulk properties beneath mainland Portugal from P receiver functions, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173 (6), 1949-1970, doi. 10.1007/s00024-016-1257-4.

  5. Diaz, J., J. Gallart, I. Morais, G. Silveira, J.A. Pulgar, N. A. Dias, M. Ruiz. J.-M. González-Cortina, 2015. From the Bay of Biscay to the High Atlas: completing the anisotropic characterization of the westernmost Mediterranean region, Tectonophysics, 663, 192-202, doi. 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.03.007.

  6. Custódio, S., N.A. Dias, F. Carrilho, E. Góngora, I. Rio, C. Marreiros, I. Morais, P. Alves & L. Matias, 2015. Earthquakes in Western Iberia: improving the understanding of lithospheric deformation in a slowly deforming region, Geophysical Journal International, 203 (1), 127-145, doi. 10.1093/gji/ggv285.

  7. Matos, C., G. Silveira, L. Matias, R. Caldeira, L. Duarte, N. A. Dias, F. Krueger & T. Santos,  2015. Upper crustal structure of Madeira Island revealed from ambient noise tomography, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 298, 136-145, doi. 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.03.017.

  8. Custódio, S., N.A. Dias, B. Caldeira, F. Carrilho, C. Corela, J. Diaz, J. Narciso, G. Madureira, L. Matias, C. Haberland and the WILAS team, 2014. Ambient Noise Recorded by a Dense Broadband Seismic Deployment in Western Iberia, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(6), 2985-3007, doi. 10.1785/0120140079.

  9. Silveira G., N.A. Dias & A. Villaseñor, 2013. Seismic imaging of the Western Iberian Crust using ambient noise: boundaries and internal structure of the Iberian Massif, Tectonophysics, 589, 186-194, doi.10.1016/j.tecto.2012.12.025.

  10. Dias N.A., L. Matias, N. Lourenço, J. Madeira, F. Carrilho & J.L. Gaspar, 2007. Crustal seismic velocity structure near Faial and Pico Islands (Azores), from local earthquake tomography, Tectonophysics, 445 (3-4): 301-317, doi.10.1016/j.tecto.2007.09.001.

Projects (10 most relevant): 

  1. MOZ3-5/PAMELA – Mozambique, PAssive Margins Laboratory”, a joint project of the Department of Marine Geosciences of IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la MER, France), the Laboratory of «Oceanic Domain» (IUEM: Institut Universitaire et Européen de la Mer, France), the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and Instituto Dom Luiz-FCUL (Portugal), funded by TOTAL (France), 2016-2018. Role: portuguese PI.

  2. SPIDER – Seismogenic Processes In slowly DEforming Regions”, PTDC/GEO-GEO/2590/2014, 2016-2018. Role: member.

  3. WILAS – West Iberia Lithosphere and Astenosphere Structure“, PTDC/CTE-GIX/097946/2008, 2010-2013. Role: PI.

  4. SALSA – Sergipe, ALagoas Seismic Aquisition”, a joint project of the Department of Marine Geosciences of IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la MER, France), the Laboratory of «Oceanic Domain» (IUEM: Institut Universitaire et Européen de la Mer, France), the Instituto Dom Luiz-Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), the Universidade de Brasilia and PETROBRAS  (Brazil), 2014-2016. Role: member.

  5. QuakeLoc-PT – Precise earthquake locations in mainland Portugal and adjacent offshore”, PTDC/GEO-FIQ/3522/2012, 2013-2015.

  6. MAGIC – Margins of brAzil, Ghana and Ivory Coast”, a joint project of the Department of Marine Geosciences of IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la MER, France), the Laboratory of «Oceanic Domain» (IUEM: Institut Universitaire et Européen de la Mer, France), the Instituto Dom Luiz-Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), the Universidade de Brasilia and PETROBRAS  (Brazil), 2013-2014. Role: member.

  7. AQUAREL – Accurate QUAntification of Regional Earthquakes and Earth structure: appLication to Western Iberia“, PTDC/CTE-GIX/116819/2010, 2012-2014. Role: member.

  8. TOPOMED – Plate re-organization in the westernMediterranean: lithospheric causes and topographic consequences “,TOPOEUROPE/0001/2007, 2008-2011. Role: member.

  9. CV-PLUME – An investigation on the geometry and deep signature of Cape Verde mantle plume”, PTDC/CTE-GIN/64330/2006, 2007-2011. Role: member.

  10. MASHA – Multiscale Approach for Seimovolcanic Hazard investigation in the Azores”, POCTI/CTA/39158/2001, 2002-2005. Role: member.

Books & Chapters (up to 10): 

  • Dias N.A. & L. Matias, 2012. “Relating crustal structure and stress indicators in the Azores Islands”, in: Earthquake Research and Analysis – Seismology, Seismotectonic and Earthquake Geology, Editor: Sebastiano D’Amico, InTech, ISBN 978-953-307-991-2, 167-182, DOI: 10.5772/29094, available from

  • Dias N.A. & L. Matias, 2008. “Estudos específicos com redes sísmicas para caracterização sísmica de pormenor”, in: Sismo 1998-Açores, uma década depois, Ed. C. Sousa Oliveira, A. Costa & J.C. Nunes, ISBN 978-989-20-1223-0, 89-98, doi: 10.13140/2.1.4220.0649.

Conferences (last 15 presentations): 

  1. Dias, N.A & Veludo, I. (2018). Imaging the crustal structure of and Oceanic Plateau: insights from the Azores Islands (Portugal), Abstract Book European Seismological Commission 36th General Assembly ESC2018, Valletta, Malta, 2-7 September 2018, ESC2018-S9-415.

  2. Dias N.A. and Veludo, I. (2018). Seismic imaging of a Variscan suture in SW Iberia and its role in seismicity control, 18th International Seismix Symposium, Cracow, Poland, 17-22 June, SEISMIX2018 Abtract Volume, p.15.

  3. Veludo, I., N.A. Dias, P. Fonseca, L. Matias, F. Carrilho, C. Haberland and A. Villaseñor (2017). Crustal seismic structure beneath Portugal (Western Iberia) and the role of Variscan Inheritance, EGU General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-9106. (presenting author)

  4. Dias N.A., A. Afilhado, P. Schnürle, F. Gallais, J. Soares, R. Fuck, J. Cupertino, A. Viana, M. Moulin, D. Aslanian, L. Matias, M. Evain, and A. Loureiro (2017). Deep Segmentation from 2D Forward Modeling and 3D Tomography of the Maranhão-Barreirinhas-Ceará Margin, NW Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-8879.

  5. Veludo, I., N.A. Dias, P.E. Fonseca, L. Matias, F. Carrilho, C. Haberland and A. Villaseñor (2017). Crustal seismic structure beneath Portugal mainland, 8º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG, Lisboa, 20-22 Março 2017. (presenting author)

  6. Dias, N.A., A. Afilhado, P. Schnürle, F. Gallais, M. Moulin, D. Aslanian, J. Soares, R. Fuck, J. A. Cupertino, A. Viana & MAGIC team (2016). Deep segmentation from 2D forward modeling and 3D tomography of the Maranhão-Barreirinhas-Ceará Margin, NW Brazil, AGU 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., USA, 12-16 Dec., Abstract T41E-3008.

  7. Dias, N.A., Corela, C., Silveira, G., Matias, L., Afilhado, A., Custódio, S., Rio, I., Loureiro, A., Matos, C. and  Duarte, J.L. (2016). Experimental Active & Passive Seismology at IDL: Permanent and Temporary Land Deployments, 2016 ORFEUS Annual Observatory Coordination meeting, Dubvrovnik, Croatia (25 to 28 October 2016).

  8. Dias N.A., A. Afilhado, P. Schnürle, F. Gallais, M. Moulin, D. Aslanian, J. Soares, R. Fuck, J.A. Cupertino, A. Viana & MAGIC Team (2016), Deep Segmentation from 2D Forward Modeling and 3D Tomography of the Maranhão-Barrerinhas-Ceará Margin, NW Brazil, 48º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Porto Alegre RS, Brasil, 9-13 October.

  9. Dias N.A., G. Silveira, I. Veludo, L. M. Matias, S. Dündar and S. Custódio (2016), Crustal structure of Portugal from passive and active seismic methods, 17th International Seismix Symposium, P2.27, Aviemore, Scotland, 15-20 May, SEISMIX2016 Abtract Volume, p43.

  10. Dias N.A., A. Afilhado, P. Schnürle, F. Gallais, M. Moulin, D. Aslanian, J. Soares, R. Fuck, J.A. Cupertino , A. Viana, L. Matias, M. Evain and A. Loureiro (2016), Crustal structure of the Barreirinhas Basin, NW Brazil, from a 3-D wide-angle seismic survey, 17th International Seismix Symposium, P2.7, Aviemore, Scotland, 15-20 May, SEISMIX2016 Abtract Volume, p42.