Martin Wronna



Research Group: RG4 – Continental margins and the deep ocean frontier
Position at IDL: PhD Student
Job: PhD Student 
Telephone Number: (351) 91-890-5312 
Room: C8.3.20A 
Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

B.Sc. Geography, M.Sc. Geophysics

Scientific Informations



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Scientific Interests

Main Interests: 

Natural Hazards, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Early Warning, Historical Events, Advanced Tsunami Detection

Top 10 Publications: 

Wronna M, Baptista MA, KΓ’noğlu U (2020) A new tsunami runup predictor Nat Hazards (2020).

Wronna M, Baptista MA, Miranda JM (2019) Reanalysis of the 1761 transatlantic tsunami. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 19(2):337-352.

Glimsdal, S., LΓΈvholt, F., Harbitz, C.B., Romano, F., Lorito, S., Orefice, S., Brizuela, B., Selva, J., Hoechner, A., Volpe, M., Babeyko, A., Tonini, R., Wronna, M., Omira, R. (2019). A New Approximate Method for Quantifying Tsunami Maximum Inundation Height Probability. Pure Appl. Geophys. 176, 3227–3246.

Omira, R., Dogan, G.G., Hidayat, R., Husrin S., Prasetya G., Annunziato A., Proietti C., Probst P., Paparo M.A., Wronna M., Zaytsev A., Pronin P., Giniyatullin A., Putra P.S., Hartanto D., Ginanjar G., Kongko W., Pelinovsky E., Yalciner A.C. (2019). The September 28th, 2018, Tsunami In Palu-Sulawesi, Indonesia: A Post-Event Field Survey. Pure Appl. Geophys. 176, 1379–1395 (2019).

Wronna M, Baptista MA, GΓΆtz J (2017) On the construction and use of a Paleo-DEM to reproduce tsunami inundation in a historical urban environment–the case of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in Cascais. Geomat Nat Haz Risk 8(2):841-862.

Wronna M, Omira R, Baptista, MA (2015) Deterministic approach for multiple-source tsunami hazard assessment for Sines. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 15(11):2557-2568.

Projects (10 most relevant): 

ASTARTE Grant number 603839; Assessment, Strategy And Risk Reduction for Tsunamis in Europe.

TROYO – Training of Youth for preparedness against marine induced Hazards. An Erasmus + Project.

PROPEL – PROPagation of the Eurasia-Africa pLate boundary East of the GLoria Fault. Participation in the scientific marine campaign with the vessel OGS Explora.

Conferences (last 15 presentations): 

Wronna M., Hidayat R., Husrin S., Prasetya G., Annunziato A., Dogan G.G., Zaytsev A., Omira R., Proietti C., Probst P., Paparo M.A., Pronin P., Giniyatullin A., Putra P.S., Hartanto D., Ginanjar G., Kongko W., Pelinovsky E., Baptista M.A., Yalciner A.C. (2019). Insights in the UNESCO Post-Event Field Survey of the September 28th, 2018 Palu Tsunami. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-11544-2, 2019. EGU General Assembly 2019.

Yalciner A.C., Hidayat R., Husrin S., Prasetya G., Annunziato A., Doğan G.G., Zaytsev A., Omira R., Proietti C., Probst P., Paparo M.A., Wronna M., Pronin P., Giniyatullin A., Putra P.S., Hartanto D., Ginanjar G., Kongko W., Pelinovsky E. (2018). Field Survey on the Coastal Impacts of the September 28, 2018 Palu, Indonesia Tsunami. 2018 Fall AGU Abstract.

Wronna, M., KΓ’noğlu, U., Baptista, M. A. (2018). Numerical and analytical study on fault plane parameters influencing tsunami runup. EGUGA, 8746.

Wronna, M., KÒnoğlu, U., Baptista, M.A. (2017). 2D+1D Runup Estimations compared with field data of the three recent Chilean Events; the 2010 Maule, the 2014 Iquique and the 2015 Illapel Tsunamis. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 19, p. 8299).

Wronna, M., KΓ’noğlu, U., Baptista, M.A., Miranda, J.M. (2017). Inundation and runup caused by two transatlantic tsunamis in the 18th century in Cadiz. International Tsunami Symposion, Bali-Flores, 21-25 August 2017, ID – 024.

Wronna, M., KÒnoğlu, U., Baptista, M.A., Miranda, J.M. (2017). Comparison of maximum runup through analytical and numerical approaches for different fault parameters estimates. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Wronna, M., Baptista, M. A., Utku KÒnoğlu (2016). Validation of the 2D+1D Runup Estimation with Field Data of the 2010 Maule Tsunami. (AGU 2016 Fall Meeting.)

Wronna, M., Baptista, M. A., GΓΆtz, J. (2016, April). On the use of Paleo DEMS for Simulation of historical Tsunami Events. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18, p. 8705).

Baptista, M. A., Wronna, M., Miranda, J. M. (2016, April). Revisiting the 1761 Transatlantic Tsunami. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18, p. 10232).

Trindade A., Omira R., Wronna M., Catita C., Baptista M.A.: AnΓ‘lise da vulnerabilidade ao impacto de tsunami do edificado da zona portuΓ‘ria de Sines – resultados preliminares. APMG 2015, 9ΒΊ SimpΓ³sio de Meteorologia e GeofΓ­sica da APMG, 16ΒΊ Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia, 16 a 18 de MarΓ§o de 2015, Tavira, Portugal, 2015.

Wronna M., Omira R., Baptista M. A.: Scenario Based Approach for Multiple Source Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Sines, Portugal. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-5710-1, 2015 EGU General Assembly 2015.

Ribeiro M.J., Wronna M., Baptista M.A., Teves-Costa P.: Riscos costeiros em Cascais, 6Βͺ Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e GeofΓ­sica, Γ‰vora 29-31 Janeiro 2014.


1st price of the contest of Innovation of Public Transport of Transportes de Lisboa, in the framework of CIVITAS Project β€œMove-te connosco/Let us move you” (June 2015).

The 2016 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Awards in the Category Natural Hazards for the poster entitled: On the use of Paleo DEMS for Simulation of historical Tsunami Events (Wronna, M.; Baptista, M. A.; GΓΆtz, J.) (September 2016)