Maria Cristina Cabral



Research Group: RG3 – Solid Earth dynamics
Position at IDL: Researcher
Job: Assistant Professor 
Telephone Number: (351) 21-750-0336 
Extension: 26496 
Room: 6.4.58 
Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

Maria Cristina Cabral obtained a PhD in Geology (Stratigraphy and Palaeontology) in 1995 at the University of Lisbon, with a thesis on systematics, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography of Early Cretaceous ostracods from Algarve and Lisbon region, Portugal. Her main expertise is on Micropalaeontology, particularly Mesozoic and Cenozoic ostracods from Portugal and Europe. In the last decade her work has been enlarged to studies on Recent marine (continental shelf and slope) and marginal marine ostracods (saltmarshes and lagoons). The research has been commonly developed in collaboration with specialists from other countries, namely France, Germany, United Kingdom, where she regularly undertook work visits.
The research also includes cooperation with specialists with other skills (e.g. sedimentology, geochemistry) to develop palaeoenvironmental studies, namely on Jurassic and Cretaceous successions from the Lusitanian Basin and Holocene sediments from Portuguese coastal settings.

Scientific Informations



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Scientific Interests

Main Interests: 

Main scientific area of research and expertise
Micropalaeontology: ostracods.
Meso-Cenozoic ostracods, particularly from Jurassic, Cretaceous and Quaternary/Recent – taxonomy, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoceanography.

Other scientific areas of interest
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Palaeoecology, Oceanography.

Top 10 Publications: 

Colin, J.-P., Cabral, M.C., Dépêche, F. , Mette, W. (2000). Sinuocythere n. gen. (Ostracoda, LimnocytheridaeTimriaseviinae), a new genus of limnic ostracode from southern Tethyan Middle and Upper Jurassic. Micropaleontology, 46, 2, 123-134. DOI: 10.2113/46.2.123.

Cabral, M.C., Freitas, M.C., Andrade, C., Cruces, A. (2006). Coastal evolution and Holocene ostracods in Melides lagoon (SW Portugal). Marine Micropalaeontology, 60, 3, 181-204. DOI: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2006.04.003.

Cabral, M.C., Colin, J.-P., Azerêdo, A.C. (2008). Taxonomy and palaeoecology of new brackish ostracod species from the Middle Cenomanian of Lousa, Lisbon region, Portugal. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 264, 250-262. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.04.019.

Cabral, M.C., Loureiro, I.M. (2013). Overview of Recent and Holocene ostracods (Crustacea) from brackish and marine environments of Portugal. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 32 (2), 135-159. DOI: 10.1144/jmpaleo2012-019.

Cabral, M.C., Lord, A., Boomer, I., Loureiro, I., Malz, H. (2014). Tanycythere new genus and its significance for Jurassic ostracoda diversity. Journal of Paleontology, 88 (3), 519-530. DOI: 10.1666/13-127.

Piovesan, E.K., Cabral, M.C., Colin, J.-P., Fauth, G., Bergue, C.T. (2014). Ostracodes from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Potiguar Basin, northeastern Brazil: Taxonomy, paleoecology and paleobiogeography. Part 1: Turonian. Carnets de Géologie (Notebooks on Geology), 14 (12), 211-252. Memoir. DOI : 10.4267/2042/54003.

Cabral, M.C., Fatela, F., Lopes, V., Freitas, M.C., Andrade, C. (2017). Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) in mainland Portugal: what do we know? Journal of Micropalaeontology, 36, 94-112, first published online August, 15,

Cabral, M. C., Lord, A. R., Pinto, S., Duarte, L. V., Azerêdo, A. C. (2020) - Ostracods of the Toarcian (Jurassic) of Peniche, Portugal: taxonomy and evolution across and beyond the GSSP interval. Bulletin of Geosciences, 95,3, pp. 243-278, available online 4 July 2020.  

Horne, D.J., Cabral, M.C., Fatela, F., Radl, M. (2022). Salt marsh ostracods on European Atlantic and North Sea coasts: aspects of macroecology, palaeoecology, biogeography, macroevolution and conservation. Marine Micropaleontology, 174, 101975. 

Danielopol, D.L., Cabral, M.C., Horne, D. Namiotko, T., Lord, A. (2023). Reconciling diagnostic traits in living and fossil taxa: The taxonomy and evolution of the genus Microceratina (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cytheruridae). Zootaxa, 5244 (4): 301-340.


Projects (10 most relevant): 


“Middle-Upper Jurassic transition in the Lusitanian Basin: palaeoclimatic, sedimentary and stratigraphical characterization/Passagem Jurássico Médio-Jurássico Superior na Bacia Lusitânica: caracterização paleoclimática, sedimentar e estratigráfica”. Project PRAXIS XXI, PRAXIS/P/C/CTE/6/96, FCT-Centro de Geologia, Univ. Lisboa, 1997-2000. PI: Ana Cristina Azerêdo.

“Holocene Evolution of the lagoonal systems from SW Alentejo/Evolução holocénica de sistemas lagunares do SW alentejano”. Project PRAXIS XXI, PRAXIS/PCNA/P/CTE/12/96, FCT-Centro de Geologia, Univ. Lisboa. 1997-2000. PI: Maria da Conceição Freitas.

“Reconstitution of the Lisbon downtown creek infilling/Reconstituição do enchimento do esteiro da Baixa de Lisboa”. Project PRAXIS XXI, PRAXIS/PCNA/P/CTE/9/96, FCT-Centro de Geologia, Univ. Lisboa. 1997-2000. PI: César Andrade.

“Global versus local forcing factors and post late-glacial evolution of estuaries and lagoons from Portuguese SW/Factores forçadores globais versus locais e evolução pós-tardiglaciar de estuários e lagunas do SW português”. Project PDCTM/P/MAR/15231/1999, funded by Programa Dinamizador das Ciências e Tecnologias do Mar, FCT-Centro de Geologia, Univ. Lisboa. 2000-2005. PI: Maria da Conceição Freitas.

Project “Study and scientific support to the works of the Rossio Tunnel. Protocol REFER/FCUL, 2005-2007. PI: Isabel Moitinho de Almeida.

“Microecology and Littoral Dynamics: definition of multi-proxies applicable to Quaternary palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic reconstruction” (MicroDyn), Project Sapiens POCTI/CTA/45185/2002, FCT- Centro de Geologia da Univ. Lisboa. 2005-2008. PI: Francisco Fatela.

“Singular events and stratigraphical boundaries: search for high-resolution records in the Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)/Episódios singulares e limites estratigráficos: pesquisa de registos de alta-resolução no Jurássico da Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal)” (EVENTS), Project PDCTE/CTA/44907/2002, FCT-Centro de Geologia, Univ. Lisboa, 2007-2010. PI: Ana Cristina Azerêdo.

“Paleoenvironmental Evolution of the Nazaré coastal plain since the Lateglacial/Evolução paleoambiental da planície litoral a sul da Nazaré desde o tardiglaciar” (PaleoNaz). Project PTDC/CTE-GEX/65789/2006, FCT – Centro de Geologia da Univ. Lisboa. 2007-2012. PI: Maria da Conceição Freitas.

“High resolution stratigraphy of organic-rich marine series from the Lower Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin/ Estratigrafia de alta resolução das séries marinhas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico Inferior da Bacia Lusitânica” (ORGANICS),  Project PTDC/CTE-GIX/098968/2008, FCT – IMAR/UC and FCUL. 2010-2013. PI: Luís Duarte, Univ. Coimbra

“Recent evolution of Portuguese W coast estuaries: high resolution studies from marshes geological record/Evolução recente dos estuários da costa oeste portuguesa: estudo do registo geológico dos sapais em alta resolução” (WesTLog).  Project PTDC/CTE-GIX/105370/2008, FCT – Centro de Geologia da Univ. Lisboa. 2010-2013. PI: Francisco Fatela.


Books & Chapters (up to 10): 

Rocha, R.B., Duarte, L.V., Matiolli, E, Elmi, S., Mouterde, R., Cabral, M.C., Comas-Rengifo, M. J., Gómez, J.J., Goy, A., Hesselbo, S.P., Jenkyns, H.C., Littler, K., Mailliot, S., Oliveira, L.C.V., Osete, M.L., Perilli, N., Pinto, S., Pittet, B., Ruget, C., Suan, G. (2013). Formal proposal for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Toarcian Stage, at the base of the Polymorphum Zone in the Peniche Section (Portugal). International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy, Toarcian Task Group, 63 pp.

Cabral, M.C., Azerêdo, A.C., Boavida E.A. (2014). Improving palaeoecological understanding of the Cenomanian units in Lisboa-Sintra region: the S. João das Lampas section. In: R. Rocha, J. Pais, S. Finney, J. C. Kullberg (Eds), STRATI 2013, First International Congress on Stratigraphy: At the cutting edge of Stratigraphy, Springer Geology, pp. 1055-1060. ISBN:  978-3-319-04363-0 (Printed) 978-3-319-04364-7 (eBook)  doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_201

Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Cabral, M.C., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Correia, G., Ferreira, R., Loureiro, I.M., Paredes, R., Pereira, A., Poças Ribeiro, N. (2014) – New advances in the stratigraphy and geochemistry of the organic-rich Lower Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). In: R. Rocha, J. Pais, S. Finney, J. C. Kullberg, (Eds), STRATI 2013, First International Congress on Stratigraphy: At the cutting edge of Stratigraphy, Springer Geology, pp. 841-846.   [ISBN:  978-3-319-04363-0 (Printed); 978-3-319-04364-7 (eBook)] [doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_158]

Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Hesselbo, S., Mattioli, E., Suan, G., Baker, S., Cabral, M.C., Correia, V., Garcia Joral, F., Goy, A., Reolid, M., Rita, P., Félix, F., Paredes, R., Pittet, B., Rocha, R.B. (2018). The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event at Peniche. An exercise in integrated stratigraphy – Stop 1.3. In: LV Duarte, RL Silva (eds). The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Western Iberian Margin and its context within the Lower Jurassic evolution of the Lusitanian Basin. Fieldtrip Guidebook. 2nd. International Workshop on the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (2nd IW-TOAE), Coimbra, 33-54. ISBN: 978-989-98914-4-9


Conferences (last 15 presentations): 

Cabral, M. C., Azerêdo, A. C., Boavida, E. A. (2013). Improving palaeoecological understanding of the Cenomanian units in Lisboa-Sintra region: the S. João das Lampas section. Abstracts of Strati 2013, 1st International Congress on Stratigraphy, Lisboa, 1-7 Jul/2013, Ciências da Terra, Vol. Esp. VII, 169.

Cabral, M. C., Colin, J.-P., Azerêdo, A. C., Silva, R. L., Duarte, L. V.  (2013). Sinemurian ostrscod assemblages from western Portugal (Praia Velha and Praia da Concha): palaeoecological signature and palaeobiogeographical implications. Il Naturalista Siciliano, S. IV, 37 (1), 59-61.

Cabral, M. C., Colin, J.-P., Azerêdo, A. C., Ribeiro, B., Dantas, P. (2013). New findings of non-marine Upper Jurassic ostracods from the Portuguese western coast. Il Naturalista Siciliano, S. IV, 37 (1), 63-65.

Piovesan, E. K., Boavida, E. A., Cabral, M. C., Colin, J.-P., Fauth, G. (2013). Aplicação dos gêneros Fossocytheridea Swain & Brown e Perissocytheridea Stephenson (Ostracoda) em estudos paleoecológicos no Cretáceo Superior do Brasil e de Portugal. Paleontologia em Destaque: Boletim Informativo da Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia, Porto Alegre: Editora Pallotti, 148.

Cabral, M. C., Danielopol, D. L., Carbonel, P., Gross, M., Stoica, M., Külköylüoğlu, O., Piller, W. E., Yavuzatmaca, M., Humphreys, W. F. (2014). Sieve-type pores on the valves of Timiriaseviinae ostracods. Their interest for the systematics of selected taxa. ROLF 2014, 25éme Réunion des Ostracodes de Langue Française, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Abstracts, 5-7.

Radl, M., Cabral, M. C., Horne, D. J., Fatela, F. (2015). A comparison of ostracod faunas from coastal saltmarshes at Tollesbury, Essex, UK and the Mira River, Portugal. TMS Ostracod Group Meeting, Queen Mary University of London, Abrstracts, 7-8.

Matias, C., Cabral, M. C., Fatela, F. (2015). Preliminary assessment of Ostracoda and benthic Foraminifera assemblages in the oceanographic context of W Algarve upper slope (SW Portugal). In: V. Díaz del Rio, P. Barcenas, L. M. Fernández-Salas, N. López- González, D. Palomino, J. L. Rueda, O. Sánchez-Guillamóm, J. T. Vásquez (eds.): Volumen de Comunicaciones en el VIII Simposio sobre el Margen Ibérico Atlântico. Ediciones Sai Graf, Málaga, 441-444.

Sañé, E., Fatela, F., Cabral, M. C., Brotas, V., Beltrán, C. , Drago, T. (2015). Organic matter quality and sediment grain size off SE coast of Algarve (Portugal). In: V. Díaz del Rio, P. Barcenas, L. M. Fernández-Salas, N. López- González, D. Palomino, J. L. Rueda, O. Sánchez-Guillamóm, J. T. Vásquez (eds.): Volumen de Comunicaciones en el VIII Simposio sobre el Margen Ibérico Atlântico. Ediciones Sai Graf, Málaga, 41-44.

Coimbra, R., Azerêdo, A. C., Cabral, M. C., Immenhauser, A. (2016). Integrated palaeoenvironmental characterization of ancient coastal lagoons (Cenomanian, Lusitanian Basin, Portugal). 32nd International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) Meeting of Sedimentology, May/2016, Marrakech, Morocco, 1p.

Cabral, M. C., Fatela, F., Matias, C., Luz, C. (2017). Recent ostracod assemblages from the western Algarve continental margin, (Portugal). 18th International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO18), 27-31, August, Santa Barbara, USA, Cypris (International Ostracoda Newsletter), 35 suplement, 55.

Cabral, M. C., Fatela, F., Lord, A. (2017). Composition and seasonal distribution of ostracods across the Sado estuary tidal marshes (SW Portugal). 18th International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO18), 27-31, August, Santa Barbara, USA, Cypris (International Ostracoda Newsletter), 35 suplement, 80.

Lord, A., Cabral, M. C., Danielopol, D. (2017). Sieve type normal pore canals in Jurassic Ostracoda. 18th International Symposium on Ostracoda(ISO18), 27-31, August, Santa Barbara, USA, Cypris (International Ostracoda Newsletter), 35 suplement, 35.

Fatela, F., Moreno, J., Cabral, M. C. (2018). Influence of estuarine waters salinity in the composition of modern Foraminiferal and Ostracoda assemblages along the W coast of Portugal: a tool to palaeoenvironmental assessment. MIA 2018 – IX Symposium On The Atlantic Iberian Margin, 4-7 September, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 193-194.

Cabral. M. C., Fatela, F., Barata, F. (2019). Recent ostracod assemblages from the eastern Algarve continental shelf, Portugal. 9th European Ostracodologists’ Meeting (EOM9), 19-22, July, Gdansk, Poland, Programme and Abstract Volume, 32.

Cabral, M. C., Lord, A., Pinto, S., Duarte, L. V., Azerêdo, A. C. (2019). Ostracod biostratigraphy of the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) GSSP, Peniche, Portugal. 9th European Ostracodologists’ Meeting (EOM9), 19-22, July, Gdansk, Poland, Programme and Abstract Volume, 33.