Understanding the complex links betwen fire and climate, an article by an international team which includes Ricardo Trigo from IDL, on this month's news of Environmental Research Web

The article "Objective identification of multiple large fire climatologies: an application to a Mediterranean ecosystem" was recently published in Environmental Research Letters. The authors have classified summer large fires in Mediterranean France for the period 1973 to 2012, according to their local-scale weather conditions; offering a better understanding of the variations in fire activity and fire spread patterns in the context of contemporaneous global changes.

Link to the article (Environmental Research Letters)Link to the news (Environmental Research Web)Image from the article in Environmental Research Letters:Spatial and temporal variations in summer (July–August) fires (>120 ha) occurrence in Mediterranean France over theΒ period from 1973 to 2012. (a) Location of the studied area within the Euro-Mediterranean area. (b) Spatial distribution of all fires (>1 ha, gray) and large fires (>120 ha, orange) within the administrative units. (c) Interannual variations in the number of large fires (>120 ha).
