Saharan air intrusions as a relevant mechanism for Iberian heatwaves
A team of researchers from the Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), the Instituto de Geociências de Madrid and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid analyzed the evolution of Saharan air intrusions during the summer in the Iberian Peninsula. The authors, including the researchers of IDL Pedro Sousa, Ricardo Trigo, and Alexandre Ramos, used data records since 1948 and found that intrusions of Sahara air masses increased in frequency during this period, particularly since the mid-1970s. According to this study that has just been published on Weather and Climate Extremes journal, these intrusions, which are often associated with heatwaves, reach latitudes further north in the European region. Therefore, this work shows the increasing frequency and severity of one of the main mechanisms responsible for the occurrence of heatwaves, a phenomenon that has significant impacts on public health, forest fires or drought management.
You can access the publication here.Some news about this work in the media:SIC Notícias: Massas de ar do Saara aumentam e calor extremo é mais frequente na Península IbéricaSIC Notícias: Ar quente "invasor" de África aumenta na Peníunsula Ibérica e chega cada vez mais longe na EuropaTSF Rádio Notícias: Ar quente "invasor" de África cada vez mais frequente na Península IbéricaPúblico: Ar quente "invasor" de àfrica aumenta de frequência na Península IbéricaFátima Missionária: Massas de ar quente aumentam de frequência na Península IbéricaObservador: Ar quente "invasor" de África aumenta de frequência na Península Ibérica