Pedro Soares: Best researcher award FCUL 2023

Pedro Soares, IDL researcher and FCUL professor, won the FCUL best researcher award in Earth Sciences 2023.

Pedro Matos Soares has been actively involved in international consortia which lead the efforts in Regional Climate Modelling, Convective Permitting simulations, Statistical Downscalling Methods and Artificial Intellegence, in the context of climate change. The main goals of these efforts are: to understand in an improved way the processes that define the climate system, from the large-scale to the local scales; to project with higher confidence the plausible future climates, including climate extremes, from the continental scale to the local scale; to model the physical impacts of climate change, such as on water scarcity, fires, droughts, coastal flooding, etc; and, thus support mitigation and adaptation policy decision making.

Emanuel Dutra