IDL at the XII Congresso Ibérico de Geoquímica

The XII Congresso Ibérico de Geoquímica took place in Évora (Portugal) from 22 to 26 September with a strong participation of members of the Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL). The researcher Mário Abel Gonçalves was one of the invited speakers and presented a talk on the challenges for geochemical prospecting in the future discovery of mineral deposits. Telmo Bento dos Santos presented two oral communications on the U-Pb ages in zircons of the Centro Iberian Zone and participated in several works with other researchers and Ph.D. students of the IDL, including Joana Ferreira, João Mata, and Inês Pereira. Ivo Martins presented an oral communication about tin-tungsten mineralizations at the Panasqueira mine. Finally, also participated in several works presented in this congress the researchers of the IDL Francisco Fatela, Vítor Magalhães, Ana Jesus, António Mateus, and Jorge Figueiras.

The abstracts book is available here.
