Earthsystems PhD 2018 call is open from 4th December 2017 to 5th January 2018

Instituto Dom Luiz is pleased to announce the opening of 8 Earthsystems PhD Grants (valid applications from 4th December 2017 to 5th January 2018).

The EARTHSYSTEMS program gathers a multidisciplinary group of geophysicists, meteorologists, oceanographers, geodesists, geologists, geochemists, biologists and statisticians, based at the University of Lisbon (UL) and at the Portuguese Institute for the Atmosphere and Ocean (IPMA), with a common interest in Earth processes: their control of Climate in different time scales; their influence on natural resources distribution and characteristics; their effect on major natural hazards; and their impact on sustainable development.

For projects and application information: CALL FOR 8 GRANTS - EARTHSYSTEMS 2018

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 1 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Azores Current Dynamics

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 2 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences/ PhD in Marine Sciences: Modelling the physical mechanisms that drive microalgae proliferations (MoPhy)

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 3 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Circulation of heat content anomalies in the North Atlantic Ocean in a coupled ocean-atmosphere system

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 4 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Exploiting new satellite observations for improving weather forecast models

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 5 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Estimation of meteorological fire danger with use of an ensemble prediction system and data assimilation

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 6 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: A fire ecological index based on fire-productivity relationship over Mediterranean ecosystems

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 7  PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Assessing Fire Meteorological Danger in forested areas of Mozambique

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 8 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Convective phenomena at high resolution over Europe and the Mediterranean

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 9 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation SciencesEuropean Precipitation in a changing climate: a broader view through multi-climate models and multi-statistical methods

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 10 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Land-Atmosphere-ocean in West African eastern boundary current system - coupled global to regional modelling

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 11 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Estimation of forest vertical structure from multifrequency dual-pol polarimetric SAR interferometry

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 12 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Visualization and extraction of geophysical information from Earth Observation data using data science techniques

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 13 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Seismicity and structure of the Monchique Alkaline Complex, Southwest Portugal

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 14 - PhD in Geophysics and Geioinformation Systems: Late Pleistocene continental shelf evolution and tsunami records on the south Portuguese continental shelf

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 15 - PhD in Geology: Long-lived, granite-related ore systems: what factors rule the development of distinct mineral assemblages and/or contrasting grades?

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 16 - PhD in Geology: Relating petrogenesis and duration of magmatism with mineralization in the Neves-Corvo VMS deposit (Iberian Pyrite Belt)

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 17 - PhD in Geology: Deciphering the geochemical and mineralogical mechanisms of dolomitization processes in sedimentary and metassomatic environments

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 18 - PhD in Geology: The effects of non-ideality of solid-solutions in oscillatory zoning phenomena and incorporation of metals

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 19 - PhD in Geology: The role of successive contractional and extensional deformation events in the structural evolution of the continental crust: the natural example of the Γ‰vora Massif (Iberian Variscan belt).

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 20 - PhD in Geology: Petrological evolution of the exhumed lower crust –mantle boundary in Northern Morocco: a geochemical and thermochronological approach

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 21 - PhD in Geology: Geochemistry and P-T-t constraints on the HP rocks of the Ossa-Morena Zone: insights into the geodynamic evolution of the Iberian Variscan Belt

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 22 - PhD in Geology: Modelling shoreface morphodynamics: unveiling the links between coastal and continental shelf sedimentary dynamics

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 23 - PhD in Geology: Using the morphology of insular shelves as a key for understanding the geological evolution of volcanic islands: Madeira and Porto Santo Islands

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 24 - PhD in Geology: Transport and depositional processes associated to megatsunami inundation

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 25 - PhD in Geology/Volcanology and Natural Hazards: Volcanic hazard at hydraulically-charged Ocean Island Volcanoes – the case of Flores Island (Azores)

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 26 - PhD in Geophysics and Geoinformation Sciences: Submarine landslides in the NE Atlantic: Slope stability and tsunami hazard assessment.

 EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 27 - PhD in Geology: The role of high fluid pressure sediments in geologic processes along the Eurasia-Africa plate boundary

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 28 - PhD in Geology: The Tagus River Delta landslide: sedimentary processes and trigger mechanisms

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 29 - PhD in Geology: Carbon sequestration in mafic and ultramafic rocks: lessons from natural systems

ARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 30 - PhD in Geology: Climate change influence on biodiversity, function and services of Portuguese lagoons

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 31 - PhD in Geology: Paleoenvironmental evolution of Morocco lagoons and estuaries

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 32 - PhD in Geology: Climate change, sea-level rise and risk of inundation of high intertidal areas

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 33 - PhD in Geology: Sedimentological imprints of Holocene extreme events in south and south-west Portugal

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 34 - PhD in Geology: Tsunami sediment transport modelling – contributions to the understanding of Holocene events in the North Atlantic

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 35 - PhD in Geology: Geotechnical characterization of volcanic soils of Cape Verde: methods of ground improvement for large dams’ and buildings foundations     

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 36 - PhD in Marine Sciences: Physical-biological processes and the seeding of Harmful Algal Blooms in W Iberia

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 37 - PhD in Marine Sciences: Improving the use of dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of global change: untangling climate change and eutrophication

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 38 - PhD in Marine Sciences (Biology): Vegetation-flow interactions in salt marshes under storm surges: resilience and flood risk reduction

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 39 - PhD in Marine Sciences (Biology): Risk of introduction of non-indigenous species in estuarine systems: pathways/vectors pressure and habitat suitability

EARTHSYSTEMS 2018- 40 - PhD in Marine Sciences (Biology): Assessment of anthropogenic impacts on the European Eel in Portugal