CeaseFire - a Platform to Help on Fire Prevention and Fighting

The CeaseFire is an online platform developed by a multidisciplinary team of the Universidade de Lisboa that combines satellite information, weather data, and fire history to calculate areas with higher risks of fire. This platform was developed to be a tool for prevention, planning and fighting forest fires and was used by firefighters, forest owners and official entities such as GNR and Proteção Civil. Due to financial and human resource constraints, the CeaseFire was suspended since March 18, 2019.

Visit the webpage of the platform: http://idlcc.fc.ul.pt/CeaseFire/index.php

Reportage about the CeaseFire project in the weekly magazine of the RTP2 β€œFaΓ§a Chuva FaΓ§a Sol” with Carlos da Camara, researcher of the Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) and professor of the Faculdade de CiΓͺncias da Universidade de Lisboa (after minute 17:56) here. 
