A (in)Sustentabilidade dos Recursos Mineirais

The Mina de Ciência - Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal (Instituto Dom Luiz - IDL), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - FCUL) and the Sociedade Geológica de Portugal organized the event “The (un)sustainability of the mineral resources”. The event took place last 20th November at the Ciência Viva do Lousal Center (Grândola, Portugal) and was organized under the International Year of the Periodic Table - 2019 and the Science and Technology Week promoted by the Agência Ciência Viva and also marks the European Raw Materials Week 2019. The event aimed to promote discussion among geoscientists, environmental specialists, government and local authorities, and the general public about the importance of sustainable exploitation of mineral resources. It included a talk by the geologist Iain Stewart, director of the Sustainable Earth Institute at the University of Plymouth and one of the world's leading science communicators, particularly in the area of geosciences, with several series on the BBC. After the lecture, an open debate took place, which was conducted by a guest panel that included the researcher of the IDL and full professor of the Departamento de Geologia FCUL António Mateus, the professor of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and researcher of the CENSE - Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research João Joanaz de Melo, the geologist specialist on georesources Sérgio Esperancinha, and the president of the European Academy of Sciences Rodrigo Martins. The event also featured the presentation of the book entitled "A Mina em que vivemos" by the collaborator of the IDL Sofia Pereira.

More information on this event here.
