Carlos C. DaCamara



Research Group: RG1 – Climate variability processes and extremes
Position at IDL: Researcher
Job: Associate Professor 
Telephone Number: (351) 21-750-0868 
Extension: 28304 
Room: 8.3.04 
Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

Carlos C. DaCamara, BSc in Physics (1979) by the University of Lisbon (FCUL), License in Geophysics (1981) by the University of Lisbon (FCUL), PhD in Atmospheric Science (1991) by the University of Missouri-Columbia (USA). He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (DEGGE-FCUL) where he has been lecturing a wide range of subjects in the fields of Meteorology, Climatology, Remote Sensing, Physics (Continuum and Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Radiation) and Numerical Modelling. He is a researcher at Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) at FCUL.

He was a member elected of the Faculty Assembly (2009-2013). He was vice-president of Instituto de Meteorologia (2003-2004), the national weather service. He was scientific coordinator of the Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF)” (1999-2007), that is part of EUMETSAT’s ground segment. He was a member of the “Space Advisory Committee” for the 6th Framework Program for Research and Technological Development of the European Union.

Scientific Informations



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Scientific Interests

Main Interests: 

Carlos C. DaCamara research includes a large variety of fields encompassing remote sensing of active fires and burned areas by satellite, the retrieval of land surface temperature and emissivity using information from satellite, the study of directional effects on the retrieval of land surface temperature, the harmonization of long time series of land surface temperature using satellite data, the short and medium range assessment of meteorological fire risk, the recovery of vegetation after large wild fires, the meteorological conditions associated to extreme (droughts, heat waves, etc.) and the activity of planetary waves in the atmosphere (in particular blocking episodes) and its impact on climate variability.

Top 10 Publications: 

1 Ermida SL, Trigo IF, Hulley G, DaCamara CC (2020) A multi-sensor approach to retrieve emissivity angular dependence over desert regions. Remote Sensing of Environment 209, 111559. doi: 10.1016/j.rse. 2019.1115590

2 Nunes SA, DaCamara CC, Turkman KF, Calado TJ, Trigo RM, Turkman MAA (2019) Wildland fire potential outlooks for Portugal using meteorological indices of fire danger. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19, 1459–1470. doi:10.5194/nhess-19-1459-2019

3 Pinto MM, DaCamara CC, Trigo IF, Trigo RM, Turkman KF (2018) Fire danger rating over Mediterranean Europe based on fire radiative power derived from MeteosatNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18, 515–529. doi:10.5194/nhess-18-515-2018

DaCamara CC, Calado TJ, Ermida SL, Trigo IF, Amraoui M, Turkman KF (2014) Calibration of the Fire Weather Index over Mediterranean Europe based on fire activity retrieved from MSG satellite imageryInternational Journal of Wildland Fire. doi: 10.1071/WF13157

5 Pereira MG, Calado TJ, DaCamara CC, Calheiros T (2013) Effects of regional climate change on rural fires in PortugalClimate Research 57, 187-200. doi: 10.3354/cr01176

6 Trigo IF, DaCamara CC , Viterbo P, Roujean J -L , Olesen F , Barroso C , Camacho-de Coca F , Freitas S C , García-Haro J , Geiger B , Gellens-Meulenberghs F , Meliá J , Pessanha L , Siljamo N (2011). The Satellite Application Facility for Land Surface AnalysisInternational Journal of Remote Sensing 32, 2725-2744. doi: 10.1080/01431161003743199

7 Gouveia C, Trigo RM, DaCamara CC (2009) Drought and vegetation stress monitoring in Portugal using satellite dataNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9, 185–195. doi:10.5194/nhess-9-185-2009

8 Trigo RM, Pereira JMC, Pereira MG, Mota B, Calado MT, DaCamara CC, Santo FE (2006) Atmospheric conditions associated with the exceptional fire season of 2003 in PortugalInternational Journal of Climatology 26, 1741-1757. doi:10.1002/joc.1333.

9 Peres LF, DaCamara CC (2005) Emissivity maps to retrieve land-surface temperature from MSG/SEVIRIIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 43, 1834-1844. doi: 10.1109\TGRS.2005.851172

10 Trigo RM, DaCamara CC (2000) Circulation weather types and their Influence on the precipitation regime in PortugalInternational Journal of Climatology 20, 1559-1581. doi: 10.1002/1097-0088(20001115)20:13<1559::AID-JOC555>3.0.CO;2-5




Projects (10 most relevant): 

1  EUMETSAT “Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis

Co-Investigator and responsible for development of products Fire Detection and Monitoring (LSA-501) Fire Risk Maps (LSA-504) and Burnt Areas (LSA-506) in LSA SAF – Third Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP-3)”. Mar 2017–Feb 2022. Total cost of project: 11,368,735.00 €

Co-Investigator and responsible for development of products Fire Detection and Monitoring (LSA-501) Fire Risk Maps (LSA-504) and Burnt Areas (LSA-506) in LSA SAF – Second Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP-2)”. Mar 2012–Feb 2017. Total cost of project: 9,732,513.00 €

Co-Investigator and responsible for development of products Fire Detection and Monitoring (FD&M) and Fire Risk Maps (FRM) in LSA SAF – Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP)”. Mar 2007–Feb 2012. Total cost of project: 7,900,000.00 €.

Scientific Coordinator of LSA SAF – Development Phase (LSA SAF -DP)”, involving 13 institutes from 8 European countries. Jun 1999–Dec 2004. Total cost of project: 4,300,000.00 €.

2. Co-Investigator and deputy leader of working packages WP 1.2 –Fires and climate and WP 4.1 –Data in Large-scale of integrating Project “Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world (FUME)’, financed by the European Commission, FP7ENVIRONMENT (EC Project Reference No. FP-7-243888) 01/01/2010-31/12/2013. Total cost of project: 8,228,226.00

3. Co-Investigator in Integrated Project “GMES products &services, integrating EO monitoring capacities to support the implementation of European directives and policies related to ‘land cover and vegetation’ (geoland)”, financed by the European Commission, FP6 (EC Proposal ReferenceNo.FP-6-502871) 01/01/2004–31/03/2007.Total cost: 17,010,078.00 €

4 Principal Investigator in Project “Forecasting fire probability and characteristics for a habitable pyroenvironment (FireCast)”, financed by FCT, Portugal (Contract PCIF/GRF/0204/2017). 01/03/2019-28/03/2022. Total cost of project: 397,735.00 €

5 Principal Investigator in Project “Brazilian Fire-Land-Atmosphere Syste (Br-FLAS)”, financed by FCT, Portugal (Contract FAPESP/1389/2014). 01/10/2016-30/09/2019. Total cost of project: 199.053,00 €

6 Principal Investigator in Project “Fire-Land-Atmosphere Inter-Relationships: understanding the processes to predict wildfire regimes in Portugal (FLAIR)”, financed by FCT, Portugal (Contract PTDC/AAC-AMB/104702/2008). 01/01/2010-30/06/2013. Total cost of project: 182.682,00 €

7 Co-Investigator in Project “Supporting FIRE-suppression strategies combining fire spread modelling and satellite data in an operational context in Portugal (FIRE-MODSAT)”, financed by FCT, Portugal (Contract EXPL/AGR-FOR/0488/2013). 01/03/2014-28/02/2015. Total cost of project: 49.942,00 €

8 Co-Investigator in Project “Long-term socio-ecological research and monitoring in a Mediterranean cultural landscape (LTER Montado)”, financed by FCT, Portugal(Contract LTER/BIA-BEC/0048/2009). 28/08/2011-27/02/2015. Total cost: 139.931,40 €

9 Principal Investigator in Project “Padrões de CirculaçãoAtmosférica Associados à Ocorrência de Fogos Florestais em Portugal”, financed by FCT, Portugal (Contract PBIC/AGR/2111/95). Jan 1996-Jan 1999.

10 Principal Investigator in Project “Sistema de Previsão Meteorológica a Longo Prazo para Portugal Continental”, financed by JNICT, Portugal (Contract PBIC/C/CEN/1112/92). Jan 1993-Jun 1996


Books & Chapters (up to 10): 

DaCamara CC, Libonati R, Pinto MM, Hurduc A (2019). Near- and Middle-Infrared Monitoring of Burned Areas from Space. In “Satellite Information Classification and Interpretation” (Ed Rustam B. Rustamov). (IntechOpen, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.82444).

DaCamara CC, Trigo RM, Pinto MM, Nunes SA, Trigo IF, Gouveia CM, Rainha M (2018). CeaseFire: a website to assist fire managers in Portugal. In “Advances in Forest Fire Research 2108” (Ed Domingos Xavier Viegas). pp. 941-949. (Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, ISBN 978-989-26-16-506) doi: 10.14195/978-989-26-16-506_103

3 DaCamara CC, Trigo RM (2018). Circulation weather types and their influence on the fire regime in Portugal. In “Advances in Forest Fire Research 2108” (Ed Domingos Xavier Viegas). pp. 372-380. (Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, ISBN 978-989-26-16-506) doi: 10.14195/978-989-26-16-506_40

4 Gouveia C, Páscoa P, DaCamara CC (2018). Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery in Iberia Based on Remote-Sensing Information. In “Forest Fire” (Ed Janusz Szmyt). pp. 113-130. (IntechOpen, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.72594).

5 Libonati R, DaCamara CC, Setzer AW, Morelli F, Jesus SC, Candido PA, Melchiori AE (2014). Validation of the burned area “(V,W)” Modis algorithm in Brazil. In “Advances in Forest Fire Research” (Ed Domingos Xavier Viegas). pp. 1774-1785. (Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, ISBN 978-989-26-0884-6) doi: 10.14195/978-989-26-0884-6_197

DaCamara CC, Trigo RM, Nascimento ML, (2014). Characterizing the secondary peak of Iberian fires in March. In “Advances in Forest Fire Research” (Ed Domingos Xavier Viegas). pp. 1671-1682. (Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, ISBN 978-989-26-0884-6) doi: 10.14195/

7 Calado TJ, DaCamara CC (2008) Dating fire events on end of season maps of burnt scars. In “geoENV VI – Geostatistics for Environmental Applications”. (Eds Soares A, Pereira MJ, Dimitrakopoulos R). pp. 323-333. (Springer, ISBN 978-1-4020-6647-0)

8 Peres LF, Sobrino JA, Libonati R, Jiménez-Muñoz JC, Romaguera M, DaCamara CC (2006) Validation of a temperature emissivity separation hybrid method from airborne hyperspectral scanner data and ground measurements in the SEN2FLEX field campaigns. In “Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing“. pp. 881-886. (ed. València: Publications de la Universitat de València)

9 Libonati R, Peres LF, Gouveia C, Trigo R, DaCamara CC (2006) Using 21 years of AVHRR data to assess the impact of the North Atlantic oscillation on European vegetation dynamics. In “Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing“. pp. 331-336. (ed. València: Publications de la Universitat de València)

10 DaCamara CC, Trigo RM, Mendes M (2005) Tipos de circulación atmosférica y su influencia en el regimen de precipitaciones en Portugal. In “Avances en climatología y ciencias de la atmósfera – Vol I: La Oscillación Del Atántico Norte y sus efectos sobre la Península Ibérica y Canárias (ACCA1)”. (Eds Gimeno L, García-Herrera R, Trigo RM, Torre L). pp. 106-133. (AICA Ediciones, ISBN: 84-95780-15-1).


In 1990, elected member of “Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society”, by the University of Missouri Chapter.

Selected by Dr. Charles L. Cramer, Associate Dean of the School of Agriculture, University of Missouri-Columbia (USA) to be included on the 12th edition of “The National Dean’s List 1988-1989”, a publication that distinguishes the top 0.5% of students attending American universities.

19/04/1989: “Superior Graduate Achievement Award”, by the Graduate Student Association of the University of Missouri-Columbia (USA).